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Essika's Journal
My life is a wreck.

Jan 4, 2010

 My life is a wreck.

Okay, so today is officially the worst day of my life.

I woke up at 8:30am to someone banging on my door, It was my crazy landlord and an enforcement officer. I was told to pack up and get out. I had no idea what was going on or what to do.

Apparently the payment arrangements I had made with my landlord were ignored and he filed to the Landlord/Tenant board, never gave us notice that he had filed or gave us notice of an eviction date. We had been following through with payment arrangements so that we could get caught up on backed rent from when my room mate moved out without notice and I thought all was well. Apparently I was wrong...

The enforcement officer basically said we were SOL and that we would need to get out even though the landlords hadn't followed proper procedure and did something illegal. So we packed up some things and I put Tazz into his travel cage and we went to a local motel for the night. My cats are still at my old apartment until tomorrow... they have lots of food and water... no worries there.

I have no idea what I'm going to do tomorrow for a place to stay. My parents are coming to help me pack up and I think I'll send Tazz and my cats with them, but as for Rob and I, I don't know... We both work in Belleville and my parents live a ways a way and work at different times as us. I may end up staying at a friends place or at a local shelter until we can get a new place (Hopefully Friday).

Basically Aussie is going to be put on hold for now and I will be trying to figure out my life right now. I'm going to ask the Tribunal for a Stay or see if Salvation Army can help us cover the cost of the Motel.

Either way... your thoughts and well wishes are greatly appreciated. Wish me luck.


Jan 10 2010 : 08:29:53 PM
I feel much better knowing I'm not alone in this.... I hope you and your babies are okay. I'm sure we will both get through this :)

Jan 10 2010 : 01:25:21 PM
I am going tho almost the same thing .I was renting and the owner wasnt paying there property taxes so i got a letter on my door that said u have 9 days to be out. SO now i am back home with my parents.grrr.Me and my suggies are sharing a room a little room or shall i say my suggies are letting me stay in there room . Wish u the best of luck getting things back in order.

Jan 06 2010 : 10:40:20 PM
I didn't realize it was so hard for you right now. Thoughts and Prayers are with you that everything turns out for the best.

Jan 06 2010 : 06:59:37 PM
Well I'm just glad I found a place for my animals to stay and have such a wonderful family and boyfriend to help me through.

Jan 06 2010 : 06:37:36 PM
That would be so hard... :( I can't imagine how you would feel! stupid landlord >:|

Jan 05 2010 : 12:18:15 AM
I know, I'm so messed up over this... I can't stop bawling my eyes out... I am worried about my pets, my boyfriend, everything.... I'm past angry, mostly I'm terrified..... </3

Jan 05 2010 : 12:13:08 AM
I'm so angry for you! How can an officer say that you have to get out when what the landlord did was illegal?? I'm sending lots of thoughts and luck your way. I hope your life straightens out ASAP! Nobody should have to go through that...

Jan 04 2010 : 09:49:49 PM
Yeah, not a pleasant situation for any of us....

Jan 04 2010 : 09:48:50 PM
I'm so sorry to hear that :(

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 About Me

avatar Essika
Gender: Female
Occupation:HP technical support
Member since: Jul 26, 2009
Posts: 581
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GliderMap I'm on the map!
My Hobbies
Drawing, painting, writing, I love computers, reading and dancing.
My News
Now have 3, count 'em, 3 gliders. Icarus (AKA Icky)- My only intact male... Aussie- My Crabasaurus Tazz- The snuggle-bug. I am also the proud owner of 8 frogs. Toni - Dumpy/whites frog Jalapeno- Red eye Hopper- Green tree frog Emerald- Korean Mossy Mr MaGoo and Mr MaGee- African Clawed Frogs Boo- Pacman Turbo- Firebelly Toad I pretty much LIVE in a zoo. =) RIP to my beloved Nova... I love you..
Favorite Quote
"could be worse.... could be lava." "Life is either a daring adventure, or nothing"- Helen Keller. "Grass is taking over the world, haven't you noticed... it's EVERYWHERE!" "Part of me is angry, part of me is proud and most of me is drunk." - Karen Walker (W&G)
My Bio
Well I'm 20 years old, I live in Belleville, Ontario CA. I am currently working for HP tech support and HATE it, but it pays the bills. I'm looking to get into school for Radio broadcasting and station engineering. I'm a bit of a social butterfly, I love people and love going out to clubs ALMOST as much as I love my pets. I have 3 cats Captian, Chief , Picasso and of course Tazz, Aussie, and Icky!


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