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Essika's Journal
One day at a time.

Jan 6, 2010

 One day at a time.

So life is getting better. I'm putting one foot in front of the other and doing what I can to get through this crisis.

I stayed at a motel the first night, and my friends place last night. Tonight I'm going home with my mom after work. My boyfriend and I have decided on what our plan of action is.

We are moving back in with our parents for the time being. My folks said I can keep my animals there with them and I'm even allowed to get Aussie provided they stay in my room (They aren't fond of the barking)

As for work, I have been going everyday.... taking it one day at a time. I'm trying not to miss any time or let my personal affairs get in the way of my professional life, but it's hard. I still plan on going even after I go home, but the problem is I don't drive and home is about 45min away. So Rob (my boyfriend) and I decided since we no longer need to pay any rent or bills we are going to take what money we have from our last pay and the one coming up and buy a used car. So we can drive to work and back together.

All in all, I say things are starting to work out, I just need to find a place for my boyfriend to stay tonight and tomorrow...


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 About Me

avatar Essika
Gender: Female
Occupation:HP technical support
Member since: Jul 26, 2009
Posts: 581
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GliderMap I'm on the map!
My Hobbies
Drawing, painting, writing, I love computers, reading and dancing.
My News
Now have 3, count 'em, 3 gliders. Icarus (AKA Icky)- My only intact male... Aussie- My Crabasaurus Tazz- The snuggle-bug. I am also the proud owner of 8 frogs. Toni - Dumpy/whites frog Jalapeno- Red eye Hopper- Green tree frog Emerald- Korean Mossy Mr MaGoo and Mr MaGee- African Clawed Frogs Boo- Pacman Turbo- Firebelly Toad I pretty much LIVE in a zoo. =) RIP to my beloved Nova... I love you..
Favorite Quote
"could be worse.... could be lava." "Life is either a daring adventure, or nothing"- Helen Keller. "Grass is taking over the world, haven't you noticed... it's EVERYWHERE!" "Part of me is angry, part of me is proud and most of me is drunk." - Karen Walker (W&G)
My Bio
Well I'm 20 years old, I live in Belleville, Ontario CA. I am currently working for HP tech support and HATE it, but it pays the bills. I'm looking to get into school for Radio broadcasting and station engineering. I'm a bit of a social butterfly, I love people and love going out to clubs ALMOST as much as I love my pets. I have 3 cats Captian, Chief , Picasso and of course Tazz, Aussie, and Icky!


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