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Goldwinger's Journal
Luna's Progress

Jan 15, 2009

 Luna's Progress

First my daughter's post on Luna's 1st tent time on 01/11/09:

Hi. I am Anita(Goldwinger's) 19 year old daughter, Kristin.Tonight, I decided to take Luna, the little girl sugar glider from my moms posts of "I know I shouldn't have But", into the tent that we have set up for the boy sugar gliders. I didn't know how it would go, seeing as she still isn't very friendly to us, and has NEVER been in any handling situation like that, at least that we know of. We decided that I should be the one to take her in there for the first time, since I am the one who has been hand feeding her the baby food with the straw for about the past week, and figured she might possibly respond better to me. When I took her pouch in there, I started by taking out her fleece blanket, and just sitting there. She was very nervous and unsure. Slowly she climbed out of the pouch onto her blanket. Finally, she was out. Then she found the empty tissue box. She was soooooo fixated on that box. haha. Then she began trying to jump on the sides of the tent. Since she has never been in there before, she didn't realize that there wasn't anything she could hold onto, and kept falling down. She eventually starting playing on the hanging ropes and the little ark boat that we have in there. And before we knew it she was running all over the place, and having a BLAST in there! She still is a little questioning of me, and all of us, but I was able to give her a few pets on her back whenever she would slow down and sit still long enough.(which wasn't often) LOL. And then, when we got her back in her pouch, and into her (CLEAN) cage, she immediately came out of her pouch, and started running around and playing with her new toys! Before she would only cling to the sides of her cage and look around, especially if we were in the room or anywhere in the surrounding room. But she just was hauling butt in the cage. It was SOOOOOO cute.

Hopefully this is something that will continue on, and improve. We are hoping very much that we will be able to introduce her to the boys and that will help show her that we aren't a threat to her. But as for right now, this step is ALOT more than we expected from her. It feels great, and we feel like we're actually doing what we're supposed to. I know, it's long......but we are so happy! LOL

So today Luna had her second tent time. She crawled all over my daughter and my husband played with her in there as well. She actually got in the wheel we have set up in there and she just ran and ran. She would get to going so fast that a few times she actually threw herself out of the wheel, did a sumersolt in the air and landed on her feet. She did this quite a few times. I think she figured out how to do it and started doing it on purpose. It's so wonderful seeing her come along. She still isn't eating much better but kristin continues to feed her baby food through a syringe, she gets a little Ensure every night and then we continue to put out her fruits/veggies and her BML mixture. I do have to say that she did take one night a few days ago and eat almost all her fruits and veggies but then last night did not touch them at all. I think this is progress that she is a least eating them some nights. I am so very proud of her as she seems to be working on her trust issue's and we are seeing progress with her. Baby steps and that's all you can ask.


Jan 16 2009 : 12:33:24 PM
Mine have just recently mated 4 the 1st time and had a baby boy it's a very exiting process and we hope 2 learn more and more about the baby

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Gender: Female
Occupation:Asst. Manager in Auto Parts
Member since: Nov 20, 2008
Posts: 1369
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My Hobbies
Motorcycle riding, Visiting the mountains of Blue Ridge and hiking, Horse Back riding, Playing with and enjoying our Rabbit and our Suggie babies Luna, Milk Dud, Lucas, Cosmo & Jack.
My News
My husband bought me a 2008 Kawasaki Vulcan 900 Classic motorcycle, brand new and I just love it. I took the Motorcycle Riders Safety Class and I ACED it. Scored 100% and beat out every man in the class. I felt so proud when the instructor announced it to the class and surprised me with the news and my temporary liscense. Hubby and I have made quite a few road trips together, me on my Vulcan and him on his Goldwing. The feeling of the freedom that comes with riding is just so wonderful. This is my stress reliever and everyday I can't wait until the next time I can get on my bike and go.
My Bio
I am 52 years old, have three children, have been married for 23 years to my wonderful husband Ed. I have a son who's 29 and lives in MA. I have two daughters 21 and 16 who are at home. I love to go motorcycle riding with my husband. We have a great time together and sometimes get away for a weekend here or there to try and rekindle some romance in our relationship. I'm an assistant delivery sales manager at an auto parts store. It can be very stressful and sometimes feel more like a babysitter than a boss. My favorite place to get away to is the mountains for some hiking, horseback riding or just some site seeing of the wildlife and scenery.


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