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KatFarrell's Journal
My 1st Kitchen Garden

Feb 17, 2011

 My 1st Kitchen Garden

This isn't really related to sugar gliders, but I felt like sharing.

This is my first year planning, implementing, & managing a kitchen garden. I have about 30 sq. ft. of space plotted out on the small lawn that my landlord has alotted to the little effeciency appartment. :D And even with the garden plot (I'm going to be using raised beds), I'll have pleanty of room for a table, grill, chairs, & summer BBQ's. :D

Yes, my sugar gliders will also be enjoying the bounty gained (though of course I'll be doubly sure that something's ok before feeding). And I'll be attempting to grow everything organically and biodynamically (organic removes the chemicals, biodynamic works with nature).

I'm going to try for some 'cool weather crops' such as root veggies and lettuces (some of my seeds are alreay in their starter soil and I'm impatiently waiting on their little green 'heads') before the summer veggies (plus edible flowers, herbs, & another round of lettuces).

Fingers crossed that everything works out! If someone shows interest I'll post pics & updates (and just might even if no one shows interest, lol). :D


Mar 28 2011 : 05:15:42 PM
I know some people who grow their own crops i think this is awsome i wish i had the time to do the same..they told me they used a bit of dish soap with water for bugs and they said it workss

Feb 18 2011 : 05:21:07 AM
I'm planning on it. :D Oh, dang...I'm hoping to avoid too many pests by mixing various plants in (including flowers that are known to attrack good bugs & birds & some that repell bad bugs). Also, I was able to find a natural 'pestiside' recipe that I might have to use in case of an invasion (lol). Finger's crossed! I REALLY don't want to use chemicals.

Feb 17 2011 : 06:10:24 PM
Have fun with that! Watch out for the free eating insects...I had some green horned caterpillars destroy all of my peppers one summer.

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 About Me

avatar KatFarrell
Gender: Female
Occupation:Marketing Director for Mercer Carpet One Floor & Home
Member since: Jan 4, 2011
Posts: 558
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GliderMap I'm on the map!
My Hobbies
I enjoy pretty much anything outdoors espcially backpacking & I recently picked up snowboarding. :D Plus I'm a huge bookworm, enjoy learning about new things, spending time with my loved ones, listening to good music, watching good movies, & using my creative abilities.
My News
Probably the most recent news of note is that I just picked up snowboarding (my BF's teaching me) and will be sore on & off all winter, lol. :D
Favorite Quote
"You can't fix stupid" lol There are many more, but that's a good one for now. :D
My Bio
I'll keep it brief...real brief: ~ home schooled until 16yrs ~ graduated from com. col. at 18yrs ~ graduated from 4yr school in Dec. 08 ~ working for my family's business as the marketing director ~ finally moved out of my parents place :D ~ have traveled to Spain, Italy, Ireland, England, & France (plus a large portion of the USA) ~ have had numerous pets throughout my childhood: dogs & cats gallor ~ now the proud mommy of Fritz ~ looking rescue a family of 4 Sugar Gliders if the owner doesn't clean up his act soon


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