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KatFarrell's Journal
Some Musings About the Highest Form of Human Communication

Jan 18, 2011

 Some Musings About the Highest Form of Human Communication

Let's see if I can explain this fully.

I'm a strong believer in...
~ constantly keeping an open mind
~ constantly searching for more knowledge & experience
~ constantly sharing & examinging ideas/beliefs/etc from all viewpoints

I refuse to be 2D. I refuse to be only the tom-boy. I refuse to be only the pretty girl. Because none of these steriotypes (and others) cover EVERY aspect of me. And I'm constantly exploring myself through the exploration of the world around me. And it frustrates the hell out of me when it seems that I'm surrounded by people who are close minded, only think that their opinions are right, only think about themselves, only think one way, and allow themselves to be categorized into a steriotype!

To me, the best way to learn about different points of views is to discuss/debate in a peaceful/mature/intellegent manner someone who believes something completely different than you.

Sadly, it is near impossible to find someone who's capable of that high level of intelectual conversation. Most people get angry, don't listen, and only care about shoving their beliefs down your throat. Yet, how is that productive? How is that learning? How is that proactive? Sounds like a mindless lecture to me.

Guess what, there is absolutely no way that EVERYONE is going to agree 100% about EVERYTHING. It's impossible. We all think differently. We all have different experiences. We all have different bases of knowledge. We all had different mential/emotional/physical/spiritual capasities. We have all different needs & wants. And I could go on.

So why can't we handle these differences like curious, mature adults and learn more about the world around us & within us in the process?

How is it productive to continiously argue (which in this context is different then a debate)?

Did you ever wonder what the world would be like if we could just take a chill pill, take a step back, & be able to enter into a mature, intellegent, & open minded discussion about everything we disagreed about? Oh, wait, that won't happen because that would be the start of world peace!

Excuse the rant. Sometimes I get frustrated & need to let it out.


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 About Me

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Gender: Female
Occupation:Marketing Director for Mercer Carpet One Floor & Home
Member since: Jan 4, 2011
Posts: 558
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My Hobbies
I enjoy pretty much anything outdoors espcially backpacking & I recently picked up snowboarding. :D Plus I'm a huge bookworm, enjoy learning about new things, spending time with my loved ones, listening to good music, watching good movies, & using my creative abilities.
My News
Probably the most recent news of note is that I just picked up snowboarding (my BF's teaching me) and will be sore on & off all winter, lol. :D
Favorite Quote
"You can't fix stupid" lol There are many more, but that's a good one for now. :D
My Bio
I'll keep it brief...real brief: ~ home schooled until 16yrs ~ graduated from com. col. at 18yrs ~ graduated from 4yr school in Dec. 08 ~ working for my family's business as the marketing director ~ finally moved out of my parents place :D ~ have traveled to Spain, Italy, Ireland, England, & France (plus a large portion of the USA) ~ have had numerous pets throughout my childhood: dogs & cats gallor ~ now the proud mommy of Fritz ~ looking rescue a family of 4 Sugar Gliders if the owner doesn't clean up his act soon


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