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RChurch's Journal
Day 8

Sep 28, 2011

 Day 8

We got him neutered yesterday, & his fecal float/smear test came back negative. Yay! The doc placed his age somewhere between 1-2 years & said nothing about his weight so I suppose he is neither underfed nor overfed. She of course did mention the condition of his cracked fur but she said that as I was placing him on a good diet, that it will definitely improve with time.

His right eye has a milky spot on it & she said that was due to an ulcer that was never properly looked at & yes, she believes his vision in that eye may indeed be compromised. :(

We got his nails done, too. It only made sense since we were already there.

He spent most of the day with either one or the other in his bonding pouch. Then we tried tent time but he wasn't interested in coming out. I can't say I blame him considering the last time he came out, he got neutered! The poor guy is probably wondering what we're going to take next.

I made him a nice meal of blueberries & watermelon, with a salad of spring mix & cucumber with honey drizzle dressing. Despite the honey, he took no interest in eating the spring mix. (I'm trying to get him to eat something to up his Calcium but Baby won't have none of that!)
I then tried to coax him into having some orange but again, he snubbed it.

When it was very late into the evening (about 2am), we went to place him back in his cage & we got crabbed at! :) I definitely saw this as a good sign that he is bonding to us, that he would rather be with us, than without. Nevertheless, it was time for the little guy to stretch his paws & move around a bit.

This morning at 7am, he barked at us for the first time. It melted my heart into my socks. He knows we belong to him & will cater to his whims. Not only did he NOT make a mad dash for his pouch when I turned on the light, but allowed me to pet his belly through the cage bars. When I placed my whole hand to cover the area of the cage that would cup him, he didn't move for several heartbeats. He just stayed there, and slowly ambled back to his pouch. He shivers less now when he's looking at us. It's so nice to see that we're earning his trust!

Then again, we are careful not to disrespect him. If he wants his space, we give it. We wait to see what he's comfortable with. And we talk & sing to him A LOT.

Even though we spent all day with him (minus the hour he was in surgery, exams, etc.), I still wish we could have had MORE time with him. I am very much looking forward to the day where he'll come out of the pouch & sit on my shoulder, or snuggle in my bra, or play with us using the feather toy we got him.

I would love to hear more chirps & barks. I'd like a facehug one day. :)


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Gender: Female
Occupation:Licensed Massage Therapist
Member since: Sep 21, 2011
Posts: 1377
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I enjoy making toys for gliders. Lots and lots of toys. I also write poetry, cook, watch movies and read books. But of course, if I have any time at all, it's given to my precious suggies. :)
Favorite Quote
"But who prays for Satan? Who, in eighteen centuries, has had the common humanity to pray for the one sinner that needed it the most?" ~Mark Twain


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