So I bit the bullet today & bought the
we want for our Suggies. Had to put it--as well as so many other things--on my credit card because we are now BROKE. LOL!
Babies are expensive. Unexpected babies are even MORE expensive. I wish I had time to plan for all of this. I'm not a spontaneous person. I like order & planning, research, thorough discussions, etc.
All I have to say is, thank God for credit cards! I didn't want to wait on getting this because I know if I put it off, it could be put off indefinitely & if I think *I* hate using the parrot cage--getting in & out of it, feeling cramped as heck--I have no idea how Batman feels.
I know it's expensive but you can't put a price tag on those you love. I'm only going to do this once so I might as well do it RIGHT. Right? Right. :)