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Sep 28, 2011


So I bit the bullet today & bought the cage we want for our Suggies. Had to put it--as well as so many other things--on my credit card because we are now BROKE. LOL!

Babies are expensive. Unexpected babies are even MORE expensive. I wish I had time to plan for all of this. I'm not a spontaneous person. I like order & planning, research, thorough discussions, etc.

All I have to say is, thank God for credit cards! I didn't want to wait on getting this because I know if I put it off, it could be put off indefinitely & if I think *I* hate using the parrot cage--getting in & out of it, feeling cramped as heck--I have no idea how Batman feels.

I know it's expensive but you can't put a price tag on those you love. I'm only going to do this once so I might as well do it RIGHT. Right? Right. :)


Oct 09 2011 : 08:11:11 AM
Wow! 16! He's the oldest glider I've heard of! Is he is spry as the the younger ones? Or does he move like an old man? I can't help but be curious. Will you be getting your 16 year old a female to bond with? They say that you should never have more males than females. Just curious. And yay for being crafty! Post some pics! I wanna see! :)

Oct 07 2011 : 10:30:15 AM
In one cage I have my 16yo male. In the other I have my new male and female lol. I just wanted them to have huge cages and im pretty crafty when it comes to building things lol

Oct 06 2011 : 07:10:52 PM
How many gliders do you have that you need TWO of these big cages?! 8-O

Oct 06 2011 : 02:36:55 PM
Congrats :) I built both of my cages. They are 6 foot tall, 4 foot wide, and 2 feet deep. I was thinking of building these and selling them but im to lazy for that lol

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Gender: Female
Occupation:Licensed Massage Therapist
Member since: Sep 21, 2011
Posts: 1377
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My Hobbies
I enjoy making toys for gliders. Lots and lots of toys. I also write poetry, cook, watch movies and read books. But of course, if I have any time at all, it's given to my precious suggies. :)
Favorite Quote
"But who prays for Satan? Who, in eighteen centuries, has had the common humanity to pray for the one sinner that needed it the most?" ~Mark Twain


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