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Last Night Was a Five Star Day!

Oct 9, 2011

 Last Night Was a Five Star Day!

Batman let us pet him inside his pouch! OMG, he is SO SOFT! And I may be imagining things, but I believe his bald spot is starting to grow back some. He looks at me & it seems he's finally understanding that we love him, & that all this is for him.

I feel so bad for him. We discovered last night that he cannot close his bad eye. The vet said that it was scarred from an old ulcer that was never addressed by his previous owners & quite possibly, his vision is impaired. As he cannot close that lid, I would have to say, yes, he is probably blind on that side and there's really nothing the vet can do at this point about it, except, perhaps remove it. :(

The good news is, he's with us now. So all future ailments or weirdness at all, he is getting rushed to the vet ASAP.

Catwoman, on the other hand, is still crabbing us as if crabbing is about to be made into an Olympic Sport & she's determined to win the gold medal. She is sweetest first thing in the morning where she'll shyly, tenderly, and/or cautiously take food from your fingertips. But at any other point of the day, she darts back & forth in her cage trying to get far away from you as possible. (We don't push the issue of holding her. We were just changing out her food plate or putting up her monkeys again.)

She sure eats a lot but I can't really compare what she eats to what Batman eats because I think we've already established the fact that Batman has shown signs of depression (which is slowly lifting, thank God). Luckily, I am a light sleeper, so when she barks, I go & check in on her & when her plate is mostly empty, I go & give her more food. Yes, I've become a glorified waiter. :)

Still, I love my kids & I'd do anything for them. Been working double shifts trying to pay for all the recent expenses put on the Almighty Credit Card. And while I'm exhausted, I still spend a little time with them every night because I want them to know how much I care.

Tired but happy seems to be the norm for me now. Welcome to parenthood, eh?


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Gender: Female
Occupation:Licensed Massage Therapist
Member since: Sep 21, 2011
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I enjoy making toys for gliders. Lots and lots of toys. I also write poetry, cook, watch movies and read books. But of course, if I have any time at all, it's given to my precious suggies. :)
Favorite Quote
"But who prays for Satan? Who, in eighteen centuries, has had the common humanity to pray for the one sinner that needed it the most?" ~Mark Twain


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