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Affordable Glider Vet for Sarasota Area & West Coast FL People !

Apr 26, 2010

 Affordable Glider Vet for Sarasota Area & West Coast FL People !

This vet is your best choice if you have gliders who need new glider, regular care - like a neuter and fecal (not emergency care!

They have experience and are knowledgeable in Gliders. Their receptionist owns Sugar Gliders herself and the staff is incredibly sweet.

They are located in Lakeland, FL.

Marcum Road Animal Hospital
Dr. Gideon
131 Marcum Road
Lakeland, FL 33809

(863) 858 1718

- Neuters (They do "Pom On") are $45.00 per Sugar Glider and it includes pain meds in that price.

The "Pom On" neuter leaves the Scrotal Sac intact. They make a tiny slit and remove the testes. The slit is closed with a drop of surgical glue.

- Fecals are $17.00 per Sugar Glider but they may only charge you 1 fee for 2 fecals if you bring 2 gliders in at the same time. Ask if they can do 2 for 1 on fecals.


Feb 14 2011 : 09:09:28 AM
University Animal Clinic 8239 Cooper Creek Blvd University Park, FL 34201 (941) 355-7707 Fax (941) 360-9732 $75 fee for check up think it worth it then what it cost to put gas in my car and go 2 hours away !!

May 07 2010 : 11:46:31 AM
Sugar Mama
If you need a neuter done- yes it is. Vets in Sarasota County and Manatee County (& up to Pasco County) charge $150 for a neuter- NOT including physical exam. At this vet's office, the physical is no charge with the neuter and if you want a fecal it is only $17. So, drive an hour to an hour and a half and Pay $60-70 or dish out over $200-$600 for a neuter and exam and fecal. I (and many other people would and have chose to drive) opt for $60-$70 with an experienced Sugar Glider vet.

May 07 2010 : 11:19:35 AM
Lakeland is almost 2 hours away from Sarasota. I wouldn't consider this a convenient vet for Sarasota area.

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 About Me

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Gender: Female
Member since: Apr 7, 2010
Posts: 603
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My Hobbies
Training our dogs, Reading, Researching, Cooking, Food and Wine
My News
We adopted/rescued 2 male gliders from 2 different homes. Quincy and Craig. I am trying to give them the best of the best. They are now neutered and passed their fecals and exams! When they are all healed up, blanky swapping begins! :-D
Favorite Quote
"When a woman births without drugs...she learns that she is strong and powerful...She learns to trust herself, even in the face of powerful authority figures. Once she realizes her own strength and power, she will have a different attitude for the rest of her life, about pain, illness, disease, fatigue, and difficult situations." -- Polly Perez
My Bio
My husband and I have created the Sugar Glider Society of Sarasota. We are NOT looking to be a rescue home, but down the line, with the right people helping me run the show, we will hopefully be able to offer a rescue/adoption/foster program.


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