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Sugar Mama's Journal
Sugar Glider Society of Sarasota (Florida)

Apr 13, 2010

 Sugar Glider Society of Sarasota (Florida)

We are holding seminars and workshops, having educational classes, conferences and other meetings to educate owners and the public regarding the health, feeding, housing, breeding and other aspects of sugar glider ownership.

Until we get organized properly, SGSS will hold informal meetings and operate informally.

*If You Are Interested In Joining And/Or Helping Us Develop Into A Strong Club Here In Florida Please E-mail:


May 04 2010 : 08:38:44 PM
im very glad you guys are standing up and informing others.. i was wondering where do you hold most of these meetings... i live in florida as well..

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 About Me

avatar Sugar Mama
Gender: Female
Member since: Apr 7, 2010
Posts: 603
My Pictures View my pictures!
My Hobbies
Training our dogs, Reading, Researching, Cooking, Food and Wine
My News
We adopted/rescued 2 male gliders from 2 different homes. Quincy and Craig. I am trying to give them the best of the best. They are now neutered and passed their fecals and exams! When they are all healed up, blanky swapping begins! :-D
Favorite Quote
"When a woman births without drugs...she learns that she is strong and powerful...She learns to trust herself, even in the face of powerful authority figures. Once she realizes her own strength and power, she will have a different attitude for the rest of her life, about pain, illness, disease, fatigue, and difficult situations." -- Polly Perez
My Bio
My husband and I have created the Sugar Glider Society of Sarasota. We are NOT looking to be a rescue home, but down the line, with the right people helping me run the show, we will hopefully be able to offer a rescue/adoption/foster program.


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