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Robin this week

Dec 30, 2007

 Robin this week

Well here it is 9 days after her surgery, a few additional visits to the vet, some more injections and oral antibiotics, scheduled forced feedings, ... and today Robin ate something on her own for the first time! I have noticed that she has been getting stronger and more antsy while tube feeding and today we manged to get a few syringe feedings into her when she had enough. I decided to try a quarter of hard boiled egg and SHE ATE IT! HOORAY!

I dont yet know if this means that she will eat more on her own, time will tell.

Her open chest is no longer pussing nor does it smell so I believe that the infection is under control. So perhaps Tuesday we can close her up and let her finally heal correctly.

Robin getting her bath

Robin getting dried off

Robin being force fed

And here's a photo of Phil who is waiting for Robin to get healthy.


Dec 31 2007 : 10:14:45 AM
I'm glad the infection seems to be under control! Phil will have his cute lil' Robin back before he knows it.

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NUTHOUSE (3) Pican 4/30/2002, died 6/02/2010 Buddy 5/01/2006 Hazel 2/01/2007, rehomed 11/28/2011 Maya 4/25/2007 Pili 4/25/2007 MISFITS (3) Big Guy 9/23/2003, died 1/29/2014 Lil Guy 9/23/2003, died 5/13/2015 Hunter 4/19/2006, died 3/23/2014 JP 8/12/2006 Shikoni 2004 Kioko 2003 Washi 2003, died 5/27/2014 SUGARSHACK (3) Chico 1/15/2006, died 9/14/2011 Cookie 10/15/2005 Kimmie 10/15/2005 Lucky 5/25/2007 Spritz 8/24/2007, died 7/06/2011 Ginger 8/24/2007, died 12/16/2012 Rock 9/09/2007, died 3/23/2013 Crystal 9/09/2007, died 11/01/2012


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