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Robin's webcams are back online

Dec 31, 2008

 Robin's webcams are back online

It has been awhile since I have had any of my webcams running. During the Summer I was doing my best to save energy so I disconnected anything not necessary to trend my power usage and find out how I can save money.

I have finally started hooking up webcam servers again. Robin now has two cams in her cage which is still parked out in the garage for the Winter.

If you can see the images below, it means that the cameras are on and the images are live and clickable.

Being out in the garage, there is no ethernet available for the camera servers. So I modified an old Linksys wifi/router/hub box with a hacked firmware to turn it into a wireless bridge and hub. So that gives me an easy four ports out there and I am using two for the cams.


Jan 16 2009 : 10:09:56 PM
Are the cameras in the cage where they can affect her??

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Gender: Male
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Member since: Jan 24, 1997
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NUTHOUSE (3) Pican 4/30/2002, died 6/02/2010 Buddy 5/01/2006 Hazel 2/01/2007, rehomed 11/28/2011 Maya 4/25/2007 Pili 4/25/2007 MISFITS (3) Big Guy 9/23/2003, died 1/29/2014 Lil Guy 9/23/2003, died 5/13/2015 Hunter 4/19/2006, died 3/23/2014 JP 8/12/2006 Shikoni 2004 Kioko 2003 Washi 2003, died 5/27/2014 SUGARSHACK (3) Chico 1/15/2006, died 9/14/2011 Cookie 10/15/2005 Kimmie 10/15/2005 Lucky 5/25/2007 Spritz 8/24/2007, died 7/06/2011 Ginger 8/24/2007, died 12/16/2012 Rock 9/09/2007, died 3/23/2013 Crystal 9/09/2007, died 11/01/2012


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