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kyro298's Journal
My baby is 9 today!

Jan 20, 2008

 My baby is 9 today!

I know there are lots of people older than me and younger than me on this site, but geez, I can't believe he's 9 today. There's no exaggeration when people talk about time flying the older you get. I just need to remember to leave the dishes in the sink a little longer sometimes and play games with them or watch a movie with them or ANYTHING else. My hubby is suddenly turning gray and I have arthritis in my pinkies!! What the heck?? LOL Anyway, just having a reminiscent moment of Christian being a baby...we'll have to break out home videos tonight after the party. I haven't seen them in years and I got THE best Christmas hubby got them all switched to DVD and I will now MAKE the time to have us all sit down and watch them..even my daughter should think they're "cool". hehe


Jan 21 2008 : 10:45:07 AM
I have NO idea what you're talking about. hehe

Jan 20 2008 : 10:26:35 PM
awww, I can't wait until I have babies. Maybe you have arthritis from all this typing?

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Gender: Female
Occupation:mom, chauffer, judge, jury, nurse, referee, maid, cook, bank, soccer mom, dance mom, volleyball mom, karate mom, baseball mom and love all of it! I somehow run my own business in between there somehow...
Member since: Feb 25, 2007
Posts: 15262
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My Hobbies
Pottery, reading, word games, my pets, traveling, watching the kids in their respective sports, decorating, designing
Favorite Quote
"Do what you can, with what you have, where you are"
My Bio
Mom of 2 awesome kids (13 and 17)and wife of 1 bigger one (equally awesome)for over 18 years, 5 flying monkeys and we also have a 17 year old cat and a lab/beagle mix that is 3.


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