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She's been gone 24 hours

Jul 11, 2009

 She's been gone 24 hours

Losing a family member-even if they're furry is quite devastating. I had been practically begging my husband to put her out of her misery for months to no avail. Then, he finally made the appointment. After that, I was scared and petrified. Setting the date, time and place for her death was so different than knowing we were "going to" in the near future. I feel guilty and evil. I can rationalize that I shouldn't and that she was truly suffering, but now I feel like I took her from the family. I know I technically didn't but the tears streaming down my husband and son's faces make me feel otherwise. We all know and understand it was necessary and that we were all selfish for keeping her to make ourselves happy. I know I'm not evil, I know I'm not a murderer but it doesn't make it FEEL any better.

I didn't have to wipe up any slobber off the floor last night or this morning. I had no one to walk last night or this morning. No one barked when the doorbell rang yesterday afternoon. No one wagged their tail when I walked in the door last night. No one nudged my arm while I watched TV last night. There's no little clicks of nails on the floor and no one under my feet. No one was in my way when I vacuumed either. How is it that I now don't think those things are annoying?? She's only been gone 24 hours and I know it will get better, but my heart REALLY hurts right now.


Oct 05 2012 : 09:09:49 AM
Im sorry to hear that ,people already said this but u were with her till the end. My dog died 6 months ago due to a heart attack and seizer and she was only 6 months old and I wasnt even home... But I loved her and u loved your dog. It will get better . Just rember all the good things you did with her:)

Jul 04 2010 : 11:28:24 AM
sugar gliders forever
i feel bad for u, i understand how it feels.

Oct 10 2009 : 04:12:53 PM
aww... I'm so so sorry! Just try to look on the plus side of things. You got to say goodbye to her, and be with her, her last few momnets of life. My parents put my dog to sleep and never told me that they were gonna do it. I never got to say goodbye or see her off. I still hurt over it, and that was 15 yrs ago. And ur right, it will get better. Try to focus on something else, and find a hobby outside the house for right now..

Jul 22 2009 : 11:10:18 PM
I know how this feels. I've had a few dogs in my lifetime and their never just dogs or pets. They're a part of the family. I'm sory for your loss.

Jul 22 2009 : 02:57:46 PM
This made me cry... I feel so much for you<3

Jul 22 2009 : 10:20:15 AM
cinnamon babies
I'm sorry to hear this. :( I've lost a couple myself and it's really hard.

Jul 17 2009 : 12:48:22 PM
Im so sorry for what ur going though i know how much it hurts since i just lost Jasper a few months back it does get better but it hurts like he** right now. even now if i think about him to much i cry. sending prayers ur way. hugs.

Jul 17 2009 : 03:20:53 AM
justin Kim
So sorry . they might feel how you feel. The salt in your tears is melting down into the sweet sugar by the memories of your boddy. I hope it's getting better.

Jul 15 2009 : 04:50:30 PM
i am so sorry for your loss! i know how you feel, i have lost a couple of pets myself. jessy, my little flat face pooch and scout, one of my little suggie boys. my mother-in-law is taking her 13-14yr. old toy poodle tomorrow to have her put to sleep. just know you are not alone and she is in heaven having a the time of her life and she loved you all very much. she knew that you all loved her very much as well.

Jul 13 2009 : 04:00:43 PM
i know how u feel. me and my granny did it with our jazzy. so dont blame ur self even though u feel u took her away urself. she was in pain. u were doing her a favor.the ain i felt that day still haunts me to this very day! ill never forget that little pomerainian.she was a rare colored one too. but she was no show dog. we loved her for her. she died at a early age because of previous owners,i think of the life she wouldve and couldve had with us, if it werent for the previous owners.

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Gender: Female
Occupation:mom, chauffer, judge, jury, nurse, referee, maid, cook, bank, soccer mom, dance mom, volleyball mom, karate mom, baseball mom and love all of it! I somehow run my own business in between there somehow...
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"Do what you can, with what you have, where you are"
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Mom of 2 awesome kids (13 and 17)and wife of 1 bigger one (equally awesome)for over 18 years, 5 flying monkeys and we also have a 17 year old cat and a lab/beagle mix that is 3.


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