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shelbyxgore's Journal
I wonder if Its right..

Oct 20, 2009

 I wonder if Its right..

Well, I am so happy because ever since I was at least ten,
I've wanted a Sugar Glider. But, my parents never let me
get one, because of the money issue. (prices were way high!)
Now, since I've moved to Florida about a year ago, I've
made some friends. One of them named Megan has a Two year
old Sugar Glider. She is giving me the glider for one hundred
includeing, the cage, food, bedding, and her toy's.
I'm just waiting for my father to come home to
get his approvile.
I'm a loving person towards aniamls. And, I can care
a lot for one too. Seeing this site gave me hope
that I could be the new "mother" for this amazing animal. I'm just hopeing I do a good job with this animal. Any Advice?


Oct 20 2009 : 11:21:05 PM
You should really have two gliders. They can get lonely and self-mutilate. Just keep reading and researching, even after you get them! =] Congrats and I'll keep my fingers crossed your dad says yes!

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Member since: Oct 20, 2009
Posts: 45
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I am a new sugar glider mommy! I can use all the advice in the world(:


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