Dec 11, 2012 A happy little family for Rue. Most of you know Rue's story. And most of you know that Rue and Liv have two joeys now! I'm just going to post this journal because I am so excited for my Rue. He went from being a lone joey in a small cage, being fed pellets and apples, with nothing but a sock laying in his a big 100 gram adult, with a pretty mate Liv, and two babies. Rue loves his little family. He loves to cuddle and groom his joeys. While Liv does feed them, I feel like Rue actually cares for them more. Anytime I hold a joey, Rue is anxiously waiting right there, making sure his baby is safe. I'm really happy for him and Liv. The joeys are growing nicely! They are starting to play with eachother. Hopefully I'll see them out exploring the cage soon! Today they are 5 weeks and 1 day oop.
Jun 25, 2012 All is going great! Hey guys. I haven't made a journal entry since before I got Lively (my new little girl). Last night I let them share a cage, after much cleaning. Liv absolutely loved being in that big cage. They got into a few scuffles, but no fighting was done. They've been getting along great for a while now. Rue is so happy to have a friend around. He is constantly following her around, maybe making sure she isn't going to disappear on him! lol I've noticed a few things about their fur. While Rue's has gotten a rich grey and black, Liv just keeps getting lighter. She looks like she's dusted in a white color. Strange.
May 9, 2012 3 more days! Just three more days until I go to pick up this little girl. I'm so dang excited! (: Rue needs his friend immediately! Though he may be feeling lonely, his fur is looking so much better since starting HPW Instant. His tail is so fluffy and his cracks are diminishing. I'm glad that my little guy is on a healthy diet and improving.
May 8, 2012 Just 4 days! Well, just 4 more days until I'm getting the new little girl! Rue has been getting lonely lately, barking for hours at night and even barking in his sleep. He seems desperate for the company of another glider. Some of you may know that I didn't intend to get him in the first place. My boyfriend's little 11 year old brother got him and had him for only a short week before deciding that he was bored of him. If I would have made the decision to get a glider, I would have done my research months before. I wish that they could've done their research and gotten him a friend from teh get-go. But at least now he has a good home and a buddy! So, this Saturday I'm driving with my boyfriend to Clarksville, TN to get this little girl. She's so adorable in pics. I couldn't be more excited! I'm very ready to start bonding and the intros. I'll post pics and more journal entries after I get her! Wish me luck. (:
Feb 9, 2012 The new cage arrived! Rue's new cage arrived yesterday! He's finally out of that little one. Now he has a bigger place to run around and I won't feel so bad if I have to go somewhere that isn't glider friendly. The cage is almost 5 feet tall and it's very wide and deep! Every time I walk into my room, I get so excited. Right now he only has a few toys and accessories. I definitely need to look into getting a cage set or something like that. I am so happy! Soon I need to work on getting him a friend!
Feb 7, 2012 Introduction/ A little background on my Rue Hey everyone! My name is Sierra and I am still new to sugar gliders. I got my little glider about 7 weeks ago, a little before Christmas. My boyfriend's little brother wanted one and, without knowing anything about them, his mom went and bought one from a local breeder. My boyfriend's mother has a thing that I like to call CPPD (compulsive pet purchasing disorder). She buys dogs, cats, geckos, iguanas, and other animals on impulse, gets tired of them after a few months, and then she's on craig's list putting them up for sale.It's heartbreaking. My boyfriend and I don't like her activites in any way, but this time there was one little plus to her impulsive buy. I was sitting in their living room when she brought home a little sugar glider that they named Dexter. He was tiny but had the loudest noise. Over the next week and a half, I came to their house every night to visit the sugar glider. They had wanted him so badly, but now he barely got attention. He sat in a sock hat and crabbed at everyone. He was in a bright, fluorescent dining room. It was loud. There were always people talking, yelling, dogs barking, and the baby crying. I figured Dexter was scared to death. Every night he got fed a slice of apple, some dry staple food, a few grapes, and corn. I felt so bad for the little guy. Nobody ever touched him or played with him, except for me. He crabbed at everyone (except me) and they were afraid of his "mean growl". After only less than two weeks, he was back onto craig's list. Being an animal lover, I, myself, made an impulse buy. But with this "impulse buy" of mine I knew that this sugar glider would have a better home with me, a forever home. I had a common knowledge about animals, including sugar gliders. They offered to let me have him for 150 dollars, plus cage and accesories. He came home to me in a cage barely two feet tall. I went to Walmart and bought all the fruits and vegetables that I could find. I went to all of the petstores in town to get anything that I needed. I renamed him Rue and now I have a very curious, healthy, excited, and bonded sugar glider. So here we are today! I have my sugar glider and I am going to give him a forever home. I'm learning more and more about gliders every day and I'm taking this one step at a time, but I'm just so happy to give this guy another chance. I'm happy to have him!
About Me

Gender: Female Occupation:Working part time at our local zoo. Member since: Dec 31, 2011 Posts: 804 View my pictures!
My NewsBringing home a mosaic female in July! (:
My BioHi, I'm Sierra! I'm 19. I live out in the country with lots of animals. I've been around animals my entire life and was introduced to Rue, my first glider, the December of 2011. My boyfriend's (at the time) younger brother wanted a glider for Christmas. His mother bought Rue from a local breeder. After only a week, the kid (11) was tired of him. The whole family was "scared" of his crabbing noise. They also believed that he was okay with just some pellets and apples. He was also in a little tiny cage in the dining room. Since he was in the family "hang out", it was constantly loud with dogs barking and a two-year old screaming.
I would come over every other night and hold Rue. I would take him into the bathroom where it was quiet and just feel sorry for him. It became time that they decided they would sell him on Craigslist. I didn't want the little guy, who I had come to love, just going to any stranger. So I instantly volunteered to take him. I brought him home in his little cage. He didn't have a pouch or any toys, just a sock. I held the sock close to me all day while I researched all that I could about gliders. I purchased a large cage, lots of toys, pouches, and got him on a good diet.
It wasn't long before I got him a little cage-mate, Lively (Liv) and they had two joeys! Felix and Baxter. Felix has recently passed away and Baxter went to live with my friend and her lone glider. Now Rue and Liv have two more joeys (were held in stasis). They're two females.