She is
such a lovely child!
Sarah is my niece. She is now six years old. She and her father, brother Mark, come to visit on occasion -- not nearly often enough! We have two bedrooms and a library, which used to be a bedroom, and now holds bookcases, file cabinets, a futon, and Shikoni.
Usually, when we have company, I sleep on the futon so that no one will be disturbed by my little nocturnal sweetheart. Also, so that I can be sure
he isn't disturbed by our guests! (Horror story -- my grown niece's three little boys, unsupervised monsters -- near tragedy!)
Sarah loves animals. She loves Dora the Explorer. When we go to the lake, she sings a song the whole way - "We're going into the forest, we're going to have an adventure" - and she loves to draw, has been drawing since she could hold a crayon, and not scribbles either - phenomenal! and has at last count
five three-inch binders full of her artwork -- mind you, these are only the ones she deems worthy of keeping! Her main subject is her cat Gus, and poor Gus has all kinds of adventures -- she (yes, Gus is a she) has been in a submarine, has gone to Padre Island, has been to the Moon and Mars and even Jupiter! When Sarah had surgery at age three or four, I'm not sure, Gus had the same. Gus was in the hospital, Gus was crying because she was scared; Gus was sore and sick; Gus got all better. Sarah will tell you the story behind each picture.
She has lots of other subjects, there are many cats, butterflies and beetles, and even some people, now that she's growing up and in school.
When Mark and Sarah come to visit, she always asks me, "Aunt Susie, can we sleep in the room with your little animal?" And I always tell her of course she may. She will never try to hold him, but she loves to look at him, and Mark says he will wake up in the night and Sarah is just watching Shikoni, whatever he's doing. She will even - with permission - feed him a mealworm through the bars of the cage! She talks sweetly to him, and never ever tries to touch him unless I am holding him -- and he doesn't really like to be held, but he's fairly still when Sarah is in the room. That is so cool, it's like he can sense that this is a person who respects him, and so he's calm(er) for her.
She drew a picture of him when she was about four, it was at the time she was explaining about Gus's surgery. It's called "Sugar Glider At The Beach". He's wearing his little swim trunks, and he has a big smile, and no stripes -- those came with later pictures, though they seem to be ringtail stripes! When I get a digital camera I will take a picture of it and copy this story into Glider Stories. I think many people will enjoy a positive - and true - story about a glider and a kid.
I hope they come for this Thanksgiving! If not, maybe Christmas.