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Back to Reality.

Jan 5, 2009

 Back to Reality.

Well it's back to reality for me. I've been on my 2 week vacation from work and today is my first day back. I can't say I'm very happy to be here but I AM ready to get paid thursday!! Only 340ish days until my next 2 week break!! It's been a wonderful 2 weeks full of staying up late, sleeping in until almost noon, and doing a whole lot of NOTHING!! is my wake up call..literally. Time to get back to the world of work and school and quit pretending that I never have to go back!!

After work today I've got to go to my school and figure out this financial aid thing. (If you don't know the story you can find my rant about it under the general chat forum). Anyway, I don't know what I'm going to do if they still deny me financial aid...I will probably have to drop out. Hopefully they will tell me that the criteria is different at a University so I can just transfer. I just need to find something out soon because class starts in 15 days...I'm tired of stressing out about this school crap..

Then AFTER I get done at the school I've got to hurry home and call around some vets to see who treats sugar gliders in my area and who has an emergency number. I just want to have these numbers on hand in case anything ever happens. So hopefully I won't be at school for too long today otherwise I may have to call around vets tomorrow after work.

Please wish me a LOT of luck with my financial aid situation and with finding some more vets.

(PS I already know of one vet that treats sugar gliders...I am just looking for an emergency vet to have on-hand)


Jan 16 2009 : 10:19:48 PM
Check out 4 more info on them they have stores and can trim nails if u can not do that by now idk how long u have had yours BUT good luck and hope there is a lot of $$$$$ in ur future! :)

Jan 05 2009 : 10:10:53 AM
Luck! I'll keep my fingers crossed for you.

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 About Me

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Gender: Female
Occupation:College Student and stuff n things
Member since: Dec 14, 2008
Posts: 2081
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My Hobbies
Training show horses, being around my animals, bubble baths with a glass of wine, watching movies...especially scary or zombie movies!!
My News
We are engaged! Getting married 09-10-10!
Favorite Quote
"Don't argue with idiots, they drag you down to their level and beat you with ignorance." --IAMX
My Bio
I live with my fiance. We have 4 sugar gliders, 1 black lab mix, 1 english bulldog puppy, 2 kitties, a Saltwater fish aquarium, and a freshwater fish aquarium. I go to college and work full time.


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