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Semester is almost up.

Apr 22, 2009

 Semester is almost up.

This semester is almost over...I'm more than ready for summer break. I only have 2 more semesters until I get my associates degree....but I still have 2 years after that for my Bachelors! This semester has really run my into the ground...I'm hoping that a few months off will be just the refresher I need to get prepared for fall semester. I never realized HOW draining it would be to work 40 hours a week AND go to school..Thank god I don't have any skin kids yet or I'm not sure how I'd manage!

A lot of good things should be happening soon. My boyfriend got the job at OG&E and will be making the big bucks as soon as his background check goes through...My birthday is in 13 days...and I hope to start intros with Panda and Jersey this weekend (after Panda has her fecal test). I hope intros go better with them than it did when I tried to get Jersey in with my boys. *Fingers Crossed*

I hope that everyone is doing well. It seems like our entire country has been under a tremendous dark cloud of stress lately. I'm ready for the sunshine and I'm really hoping that the summer will bring what I'm hoping it will bring!! A sense of relief and relaxation. Lord knows we all need it.


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Gender: Female
Occupation:College Student and stuff n things
Member since: Dec 14, 2008
Posts: 2081
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My Hobbies
Training show horses, being around my animals, bubble baths with a glass of wine, watching movies...especially scary or zombie movies!!
My News
We are engaged! Getting married 09-10-10!
Favorite Quote
"Don't argue with idiots, they drag you down to their level and beat you with ignorance." --IAMX
My Bio
I live with my fiance. We have 4 sugar gliders, 1 black lab mix, 1 english bulldog puppy, 2 kitties, a Saltwater fish aquarium, and a freshwater fish aquarium. I go to college and work full time.


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