Subject: mad baby sugar glider
Posted by kurt on April 01, 1999 at 23:51:56:
I just got a new one and a half month old female sugar glider. I heard how important it was to bond with it as much as possible, but it hates me. Whenever I come close to it, it starts making that loud "pencil-sharpening" voice and doesn't stop until I leave (only if it is in it's home). Whenever it is not in it's home and I try to touch it, it bites me and makes that awful noise, raising it's paws (threatening to strike). The one and only time I picked it up, it screamed and bit me, not letting go. I was hoping that you would have some tips for me on how to let it like me. I'm pretty upset because in all these books and web sites on gliders as pets, they always talk about how much they like to bond, play, and be held by their owners. I've also heard about people walking around with their gliders in their pockets and on their shoulders; how people just let their gliders out of the cage, not worried about it running away. Anyway, I would really appreciate it if you would mail back with tips and solutions to my problem. I never can hold it in a position where it is willing not to bite. I really want it to like me.
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