
Subject: The volcano goddess emerges
Posted by Mandy and Pele on May 27, 1999 at 03:23:12:

I just made a pouch that is big....a good 7 * 6 1/2 inches I am guessing, made of fleece...all warm and cozy, and Pele LOVES IT:) The only problem is now whenever I go to feed her (as I have lovingly commented on in posts before)instead of running up and licking the food off....
she crabs to her heart's delight, and runs about the cage like a small adorable bat out of hell....then she goes back into her new den...and crabs if I talk too much...ever seen Merace on "Frasier??" lol, very similar at this point:)
anyone have any ideas? I asked Pele if she was a schizofrenic already...but could there be something else?
she acted as if suddenly didn't know who I was AT ALL...
please help...I want my baby back...I am thinking it might be my hands (different smells on my hands) but I wanted to see if anyone else had any other ideas...this is the first time she has ever crabbed and acted frightened on this level..:(
Mandy and Pele

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