
Subject: re: some answers
Posted by Laura on June 03, 1998 at 10:47:57:

In Reply to: got a new sugar glider and am in the bonding process - now I need some answers posted by Ramona on June 02, 1998 at 10:11:35:

putting your hand in the cage is a good start, but you should really seek courage and handle him more.
they rarely bite, and it doesn't hurt when they do, but you should get a pocketed t-shirt and let him sleep there during the day.
you can close it with safety pins, or sew snaps to the pocket. this way he will learn your scent, heartbeat and voice.
you should wake him up every 2 hours with yogurt on your finger. he may lunge at your finger, but when he tastes the food, he will start to lick it off. you should feed him until he
isn't hungry anymore, and talk to him sweetly. also, when they calm down, a glider will begin to show he trusts you if you can pet him and it lulls him to sleep.
since most people can't spend quality time with a glider in the middle of the night, you should really wake him up around 9 every night. he will learn to get up that early
and this way you have more time to really spend playing with him. also offer him grape halves. mango is good too.
when he is in your pocket, you can clean the cage.
i think if you get him to know you better and more often, he will bond.
the window is in the first two weeks, but the first month is important overall.
just spend lots of good quality time with him.
if you are bonded when you have to go on the plane, then it should be easy to close him up in
your pocket. otherwise, he might sneeze and crab a lot. if you are bonded, he will be comfortable and quiet.
remember that when you get to wherever you're going, you will need to pay lots of attention to him
because he will be confused about where he is. you will be the only thing that is
constant, so make that a comfort to him.

If you have more questions, don't hesitate to ask.
i have been through bonding periods with 3 different gliders.
this one i have now is only 8 weeks old and i've had him for
2 weeks. the morning i got him was when he left his mother.
now he considers me his mom and will even make his baby cry to tell
me he needs my attention. my glider is comforted when i rub his tummy.
he becomes so relaxed that he seems dead, but he's just snoozing hard.
Write back if you want! Laura

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