Posted by Brienna on March 16, 2000 at 21:20:02 from
I have a mother and father with two babies. The father,Fagan, is wanting to mate with Fallon constantly. He will not leave her alone! yesterday during the day, the parents were out fighting on a branch from him trying to mate. She fell to the ground on her back. She is fine now. He is causing her great PAIN and pressure. His genitalia is blood red. It is not bloody, but red. It is normally white. He will pull it out and stretch it with his teeth as if it is irritated. When they are in the nest, he will grab onto her back with all four feet and hold her and bite. The babies are holding onto her fromt trying to feed. The babies were forced to leave the nest yesterday. I think she is getting stressed from the babies and father.I took the babies out during the day to releave her stress. When I put the babies back in the nest last night, the fighting did not stop. When the mother is with all of them, she pushes the babies away.And she tries to get away from The father.The babies are 4 weeks oop. They have been out of the nest left alone yelling for mom with no response. So last night, i sepated mom and dad.The babies were with mom all night doing just fine. She nursed them fine. But when I put them in the cage with dad today, ALL day long they were out and he weas trying to mate.She again gets stressed and leaves the babies. She acts like she is in pain when he mates. He acts like he is in pain from his genitalia too. It is still red tonight. Could he have an enfection with his genitalia? Is the mother getting stressed and how can I help her? Are the babies in any danger? I contacted the vet today. I can bring him in Monday.The vet specializes with exotics but has never seen a glider before. Please help me asap. I am so scared something is wrong. I know something is wrong. this is not their normal behavior. No change in foods or anything. brienna
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