
Subject: Re: Two Gliders?
Posted by Bourbon on August 05, 1998 at 00:11:13:

In Reply to: Two Gliders? posted by sugarglider3 on August 04, 1998 at 17:30:21:

I have to agree with Betsy here..Your post sounds a little strange. You say you have researched gliders for the past 2 years.. If that is true then you know the task you have in front of you with a 2 year old problematic glider is not going to be an easy feat. To even think of getting a second one without first dealing with the problems of the first one is asking for problems. What happens if the male is not only a biter but also an agressive glider in itself, what if all it wants to do is kill the younger female. An abused or neglected glider many times is agressive. What if he wants to be "lone glider". Taking on a glider in itself is a big responsibility , but taking on a problem glider is much tougher. I wouldn't even worry about getting a second till you know wether or not you are going to keep this one. Agressive gliders are often free, because of the problems they have.. remember the old addage "if it sounds too good to be true, it probably is" This glider may be one that bites till it draws blood. I definitly wouldn't put a baby in with a known problematic glider.

: I will be getting a two year old glider soon.It is a male.I would like to get a female,
: but I don't know if they would mate.I would get a baby female.Would a baby mate with a two year old?
: If they did mate, would the babies be deformed?

I also believe this is your post...

I just found out that next Friday I will be getting my first glider! I am excited.I have researched gliders for the past two years, read all the message here and on other posts, and now I think I am ready. I am 12 years old, and I am saving up to buy this glider a companion. The only problem is, the owner says that this glider is sort of crabby.You can't really blame it,it has a bad history. It is two years old.It has been shuffled from one owner who couldn't take care of it to another. He lives in an insufficently sized cage, but is let out often. The owner says that it will only bite when you try to hold it, but otherwise it crabs often. Any tips?
PS: DOn't think I'm getting ripped off, I'm getting it for free.

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