
Subject: Update-Brizzo..some questions!
Posted by Dina on August 06, 1998 at 22:55:02:


Tonight Brizzo was aloud to roam free in my bedroom, funny thing is, she just stayed on me. Which I loved. Until she spotted my friendship neclaces on the wall....she GLIDED!!!
It was soooooo cute!!! I couldn't stop laughing. :)
Then she played Tarzan swinging from neclace to neclace.
I scooped her back up and we played more on me. She liked my tummy. :) SHE LOVES ANYTHING LIVE THAT IS NOW DEAD.
I find this disgusting because I have to rip off the heads of bugs before I feed them to her...hearing a cricket's head crunch is not cool. *shudder* She only eats corn and leadbeaters...I tried restricting that, but then she didnt eat. So now shes back on corn and leadbeaters. I give her other foods too, just so she has the option. Also when should I clip her nails???

Dina n Brizzo

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