
Subject: Re: Clipping Nails / For Jane
Posted by JessRoo on September 30, 1998 at 14:30:16:

In Reply to: Re: Clipping Nails / For Jane posted by Jane on September 30, 1998 at 14:12:44:

Roo can still climb!!! I said I ONLY clip the little razor sharp hook at the end. Did I ever say that I clip so that it is bloody? or anything like that? no. I clip off so little just so it is dull. She can still climb, just not as well for a few days. Give me a break. And, the chances are good she would end up in a home that would dump her or euthanize her, but I solved the problem. How do you get ure gliders nails down? Sand paper. Well, i woudl never do that cuz that will irrate her skin and make it bloody. Clipping doesnt hurt them at all.
Luv ya,

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