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A medical discussion for new owners regarding male gliders
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A medical discussion for new owners regarding male gliders
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Jan 01 2004
12:42:40 AM
sugargliderbaby Face Hugger Visit sugargliderbaby's Photo Album Canada 611 Posts
Oh poor you!
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Jan 13 2004
12:54:57 AM
dragoness_0000 Starting Member USA 4 Posts
have any of you had the problem (sorry I cant remember the clinical term) where it comes out and wont go back in. My poor little baby has had surgery twice now for it and tonight I had to take the stitch out because he couldnt poo which the vet said might happen and if it did to take the stitch out or if it was during the day bring him in. I am worried I am going to have to put jim down. :( any ideas what might help?
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Jan 31 2004
06:32:50 PM
Destiny Joey USA 33 Posts
Thanks for the info Eric and everyone. I just got my sugarglider today and he's a male. I haven't got a chance to interact with him yet because I read that when you get a new sugar glider that you should leave it alone for about 2 days. So now that I know, I won't have any questions.
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Feb 13 2004
08:31:29 PM
sugargliderbaby Face Hugger Visit sugargliderbaby's Photo Album Canada 611 Posts
They actually do sugery for that? Strange.
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Feb 19 2004
03:10:53 PM
sugarglider_girl Joey 10 Posts
I once had a friendwho tried to pull it off when I told her what it was she was a little ashamed
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Feb 19 2004
03:14:48 PM
sugarglider_girl Joey 10 Posts
when my freind tried to pull her male sugar gliders off she ended up selling him I think she thought she might not have known as much as she thought on sugar gliders
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Feb 19 2004
03:26:13 PM
Glider U Starting Member USA 3 Posts
If anyone is interested, there is an excellent picture of the sugar glider's bifurcated genitalia--really, the 'full monty'!

You can see it in our Glider Anatomy Gallery ( here:

Eric's definantly right--DO NOT CUT THIS OFF!
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Mar 23 2004
11:46:00 PM
Ladyhawke Starting Member USA 3 Posts
Boy i am glad i got a female....I think i woulda been trippin out! Glad to know for future references :) as i am a fairly new owner i woulda never known what the deal was with that!
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Mar 25 2004
11:12:08 PM
Miss_Grim Joey 33 Posts
Could be worse... when I first brought my male chinchilla home, somehow none of the people I talked to remembered to tell me about "hair rings". It turns out that male chinchillas will get hair trapped under their foreskin when the genitalia retracts, and this hair will form a tightly woven ring that constricts blood flow and can cause serious health problems. Therefore, once a month a responsible chinchilla owner will pull the male chinchilla's genitalia out by hand, examine it thoroughly, and remove any hair ring. The first time I found that out I thought somebody was making it up (although it didn't take very much research to fing out that it was, in fact, the truth). It turns out that my male is prone to them, so there I am, once a month, removing hair rings. What I wouldn't give for his genitalia to only have an unusual appearance... =P
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May 04 2004
02:47:11 PM
suggie_angel Joey USA 21 Posts
Omg The first time I saw it I started to go crazy calling around for vets. I cried so hard cause he worried me lol
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May 16 2004
03:33:29 PM
Danielle Super Glider Visit Danielle's Photo Album Canada 237 Posts

this site answers all glider anatomy questions (the first time i saw the genitalia i thought my suggie was broken luckily i found this sight)
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Jul 08 2004
03:35:54 AM
coonmommy Starting Member OK, USA 8 Posts
Just hope when he plays w/it, it goes back in!!! i'm not kiddin My grouchy was supposed to be a female, you could only imagine what i thought after giving her a cherry w/stem the night before. turns out she is a HE...he played a little too long, genitalia became prolapsed vet tried for 2 weeks to get it back in. HAD to have it cut off or he would've died! rerouted his tube through (excuse the lang) his butt hole and neutered the poor fella at the same time!!!!!!!!!!
To top it all off the old fart who i bought him from broke his tail in the process so also had to have the black part of his tail amputated.... wouldn't you be GROUCHY...........
but this was well over a year ago, so my sweet baby girl turned out to be an adult male w/a prolapsed genitalia and broken tail. now he is a he/she. we call him GROUCHETTA......
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Jul 27 2004
11:46:35 PM
fresprit50 Starting Member AZ, USA 1 Posts
I think my female has a baby in her is bumpy & wiggles what is next?
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Sep 13 2004
01:12:50 PM
Carey Starting Member Visit Carey's Photo Album 7 Posts
HA HA HA HA HA!!!! I don't think I have seen a funnier post ever. I do think it is very necessary especially after reading others concerns on the matter but I have to say as a old glider gal I could not stop laughing when I read this. Please don't cut it off! He might definitely be a bit crabby, wouldn't you be?
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Sep 24 2004
02:48:30 PM Starting Member TX, USA 5 Posts
After reading what u sent in about the genitalia thang.It helped me out, because if I had seen that before knowing about it, I probably would have tried to pull it off or cut it off.
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Oct 05 2004
08:46:00 PM
newglidermom Glider 70 Posts
Holy Toledo!

Sure, I heard about the split-tip, but NOBODY has said anything about the REST of the anatomy!! And PURPLE?????
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Sep 29 2005
10:36:48 PM
FurbysMom Starting Member USA 9 Posts
Thank you for having this topic on here... I've been so weirded out since I saw Furby's 'wee-wee' I didn't know what was going on.. Why did my sugar glider have to be deformed and have two of them.. Ha. I feel like a dork now. LOL Well now I know and I don't have to freak out as bad every time it comes out when I pick him up. It just drives me crazy because he has to touch me with it.. Ewww.. Well that's it.. Bye
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Nov 22 2005
01:13:28 PM
pencil_n_draw Glider USA 66 Posts
I am a new owner as well and I have posted twice on this site yesterday.
I have read all of this about the genitalia and I did notice "Kazoo's"
and I knew what it was.
But, like the last post. He does touch me with it while I am playing with him.
Is it usual or unusual that it leaks some sort of clear liquid while he is excited from playing and jumping around?
It is not very much but I did notice I had some clear liquid drops on my hands....???
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Mar 20 2006
04:37:25 PM
shugga Glider GliderMap Visit shugga's Photo Album 52 Posts
I'm bout to get a male glider and I am very glad ya'll posted this. I went and looked at the glider genitalia. I would've FREAKED OUT if I saw my glider with that. I'm really relieved ya'll posted this and I don't even have my glider yet!! LOL....convenient for me huh?
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Mar 29 2006
11:49:19 AM
flippinsweet Glider USA 98 Posts
The breeder I got my babies from said one of his clients called a vet and they told her to cut a piece off and bring it in. Thank God she called him first before she did it.
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Jun 23 2006
10:53:23 PM
Spirit3569 Starting Member USA 5 Posts
I am a new glider owner ( the last 6 months ) and even I know not to "cut it off " !!! But there are some nieve ( did I spell that right ? ) people out there !!
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Aug 15 2006
09:43:36 PM
phalesia Joey Visit phalesia's Photo Album USA 22 Posts
Don't laugh when he says people try to pull them off thinking they are worms or something. I was fairly new to gliders and my male has two long pink things coming out. I had NO idea what it was (I thought maybe worms) but definetely didnt want to pull it out incase it was the genitalia and sure enough it was...the lady I found this out from told me a guy pulled his gliders right out thinking it had worms and has to take it to the vet to get stitched.
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Aug 17 2006
12:09:12 AM
MsSweeneyWeenie Joey GliderMap Visit MsSweeneyWeenie's Photo Album USA 48 Posts
Oh yeah when Doodles genitalia first came out, the whole family was called over for a good laugh. Thank god for this post because my boyfriends mom DID think it was a worm and DID want to yank it off. ::whew::
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Sep 04 2006
07:18:55 PM
Hannah Joey OH, USA 42 Posts
Do neutered males still have the "forky Thingy"? I know they dont have the sent glands and the pomspoms.
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Sep 05 2006
09:44:18 AM
Eric C Retired GliderMap Gliderpedia Editor Visit Eric C's Photo Album Eric C's Journal TX, USA 2322 Posts
Neutering does not involve removing the genitalia.
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Nov 01 2006
01:44:39 PM
poisonedXhoney Starting Member 2 Posts
Thanks. I just got two females the other day, but I'm planning on getting a male sometime in the future.
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Nov 11 2006
05:53:50 PM
mizzkangaroo Glider GliderMap Visit mizzkangaroo's Photo Album USA 80 Posts
Okay, I'm getting two gliders on Monday and am glad this topic came up! Now I'll know and not get all worried if and when I see it ^_^ thanks!!
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Dec 04 2006
06:25:29 PM
alexandraleanne Glider GliderMap Visit alexandraleanne's Photo Album TN, USA 86 Posts
thanks, i think.? i mean i think i have a pregnant little girl, but if she had a boy ........

Edited by - alexandraleanne on Dec 04 2006 06:27:58 PM
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Jan 08 2007
01:17:12 PM
GlidersAreCool Joey 47 Posts
I hope he will be ok
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Jan 25 2007
09:20:25 PM
ruby1203 Glider TX, USA 139 Posts
Will nuetering get rid of this?
A medical discussion for new owners regarding male gliders
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GliderGossip GliderGossip
Sugar Gliders
A medical discussion for new owners regarding male gliders