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A medical discussion for new owners regarding male gliders
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A medical discussion for new owners regarding male gliders
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Jan 25 2007
11:31:54 PM
Eric C Retired GliderMap Gliderpedia Editor Visit Eric C's Photo Album Eric C's Journal TX, USA 2322 Posts
Originally posted by Eric Coleman

Neutering does not involve removing the genitalia.

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Jan 28 2007
04:32:45 PM
Stitch and Honeys ma Joey Visit Stitch and Honeys ma's Photo Album USA 11 Posts
What about it looking bloody?? But he hasnt been pickin at it or any thing! What does a uti look like for a male glider?? Please someone email me at with answers subject stitch
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Jan 28 2007
06:51:24 PM
mel Goofy Gorillatoes Visit mel's Photo Album mel's Journal TX, USA 2464 Posts
I am sending you an email with links, phone numbers and directions for an e collar. Let us know how it goes. Good luck.
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Feb 07 2007
01:50:01 PM
dotmycom Starting Member 2 Posts
do people not research these animals before they buy them??
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Feb 07 2007
02:00:55 PM
Eric C Retired GliderMap Gliderpedia Editor Visit Eric C's Photo Album Eric C's Journal TX, USA 2322 Posts
The majority does not, unfortunately.
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Feb 07 2007
02:13:08 PM
dotmycom Starting Member 2 Posts
wow. they're not like gerbils. you can't just leave em in a cage and feed them whatever. or cut off their genitaliaes, for that matter.
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Feb 15 2007
04:42:48 PM
xo-gliderlover-xo Joey 42 Posts
hahaha... dont cut it off! thats so funny ... i belive that ppl have too.. aww those poor guys... but still... he daid dont cut it off
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Feb 23 2007
10:41:08 PM
sherichard Starting Member 4 Posts
Grande has had a rough week, that appears to be getting worse...does anyone know how to resolve what appears to be prolapsed intestines??HELP! SG was self mutilating, which appeared to begin as masturbating?!; took to vet, after which Grande castrated himself...back to vet, who determined no internal damage and issued pain med and antibiotic....Grande has stopped chewing x1 day, has been off of pain meds x1 day. appeared to be constipated (and no longer chewing), which is why I have kept him off of pain meds. Today, though, thought he had hemorrhoid then realized it looks worse than that...he doesn't appear to be in pain, but he is continuing to try to have BM and this is protruding further (appears like an encased italian sausage)...I'm so worried and I'm not sure if vet is as knowledgeable on SG as I'd hoped...
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Apr 11 2007
10:23:29 PM
BoBo1 Joey GliderMap USA 11 Posts
Ok so I just joined, had to after reading this post!!! i almost wet myself laughing so hard. I am a new mom, my baby has been with me now for about 3 weeks. The first time I saw him cleaning himself I was horrified!!! But as he is in his bonding pouch I can watch him clean himself or maybe he is playing with himself??? He is really getting busy down there and making squeaking sounds??? Anyone have comments about that??
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Apr 11 2007
10:41:28 PM
kazko Little Bunny FooFoo GliderMap Gliderpedia Editor Visit kazko's Photo Album kazko's Journal TX, USA 6747 Posts
Look for damage, blood, hair ripped out or touch sensitivity. If there is none and the squeeks are short and not too loud, he is most likely masturbating like a healthy young boy will do.

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Apr 11 2007
11:45:55 PM
lmtpro Super Glider USA 222 Posts
I am sorry, I know that this is more of a serious post.....but I am going to be laughing for days at the thought of a lil suggie "making happy" by himself. That is hilarious. Great, now I've got it stuck in my head like a bad song!
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Apr 12 2007
01:07:01 PM
BoBo1 Joey GliderMap USA 11 Posts
Thank you KAZKO for the info. I have not noticed any of the things you mentioned but I will keep an eye out, and the squeeks are short and not too loud, so what I suspected was true. Will he still "make happy" by himself once I have him neutered? And to IMTPRO I have to agree that when I first read this post I was laughing loudly and my kiddos 9 & 13 had to come see what was so funny.
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Apr 12 2007
01:36:17 PM
kazko Little Bunny FooFoo GliderMap Gliderpedia Editor Visit kazko's Photo Album kazko's Journal TX, USA 6747 Posts
I think young males normally masturbate and probably moreso if they are solitary. I would find him another young male to cage with and decide on neutering later. Or move forward with the neuter and find a female rescue of any age. I paird a very young male and a 5 year old female rescue and they have been doing great together.
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Apr 12 2007
11:04:30 PM
jungleflockmom Glider 175 Posts
My 3 gliders were neutered at 4 months oop. Not one of them pays the slightest attention to his genitalia since his neuter. It's the greatest little snip if you want a happy, easy little glider. I heartily recommend it for all pet male gliders.

help us neuter gliders in rescue so they may have new homes - it's the best makeover ever!

Edited by - jungleflockmom on Apr 12 2007 11:07:38 PM
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May 06 2007
07:02:46 AM
AngieH Face Hugger GliderMap Visit AngieH's Photo Album 934 Posts
"flossing" is normal behavior for young males, its nothing to be alarmed about unless the glider begins to self mutilate. Self mutilation is not licking or playing with an area, its is chewing and doing damage. SM is very serious and a glider can die quickly if they reach a blood vessel or artery. SM can happen to other areas of the body, including the chest, tails and abdomem.
I have had some calls lately as it seems someone has recommended to a few people that neutered males with the scrotal sack (or pom poms as some people call them) intact should be returning to the vet for the scrotal sack to be removed. They are telling people the scrotal sack holds hormones. I am not sure why they would think this or advise others. When a glider is neutered and the scrotal sack is left intact, it is empty. The testicles are removed. We have had over 90 glider neutered and all but 4 retained thier scrotal sack, we have not had any issues with leaving them and find less attention is given to the surgical site.
If you have concerns about this issue, then I suggest you speak with your vet.
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May 07 2007
03:43:46 AM
Rach Face Hugger GliderMap Visit Rach's Photo Album 626 Posts
I do know that with possums such as ringtail possums when neutured thier Pom drops and they can injure it when running and jumping, therefore the Pom is removed, I would say this would be why it is a good idea to also remove suggies Poms.
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May 08 2007
10:31:28 AM
AngieH Face Hugger GliderMap Visit AngieH's Photo Album 934 Posts
I have never had an injury like that?? I would not put the glider through an unnecessary surgery on a "what if". Of course that is my opinon but I can't imagine that happening and I have never seen a neueterd gliders scrotal sack has ever droped in that way here.
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May 08 2007
11:58:15 PM
cosmosg Starting Member GliderMap 2 Posts

I am a first time glider ower. I have a pair. I had a breeder tell me that some of her clients wanted to cut off a "thread" hanging down, not realizing that it was the gliders genitalia. So, when I saw my guys I knew what it was.

Originally posted by Eric Coleman

The male sugar glider has a bifurcated genitalia. It consists of two shafts and is forked at the end like a snake tongue. The genitalia is long and pink, and looks similar to a long worm. Please do not cut it off.

Click here for more techinical information about the male glider's genitalia.

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Jul 03 2007
12:30:23 PM
Sugar fly Glider GliderMap TX, USA 114 Posts
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Jul 13 2007
03:04:34 PM
LuckyGlider Zippy Glidershorts GliderMap Visit LuckyGlider's Photo Album LuckyGlider's Journal TX, USA 5266 Posts
sugarfly, disgusting yes, but that is the whole point of this post. The idea is that a lot of people apparently don't know any better. This is as sticky post because that misconception is apparently rampant. It's a good subject to bring up to anyone who has a new glider. Spread the word...
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Sep 10 2007
04:36:19 PM
Rauha Face Hugger GliderMap Visit Rauha's Photo Album Rauha's Journal Finland 440 Posts
Bwahahaha, if you think that is disgusting, I'd like to see your faces when my hedgehog takes his privates out for a wash!
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Sep 18 2007
05:23:58 PM
mvanhara Glider GliderMap Visit mvanhara's Photo Album 141 Posts
has there ever been a report of someone cutting it off b4?
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Sep 18 2007
06:05:44 PM
kazko Little Bunny FooFoo GliderMap Gliderpedia Editor Visit kazko's Photo Album kazko's Journal TX, USA 6747 Posts
oh yes, as well as many other atrocities such as cutting teeth down; by vets even.
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Sep 19 2007
05:57:25 PM
SugarBaby84 Joey Visit SugarBaby84's Photo Album USA 19 Posts
Yeah, good subject, and good laugh on some of those comments. I know the fist time I happen to see such a thing, it was so long I refused to believe it was a part of him. But that was cleared up when I seen his sort of interest he had in my sugarmama. Then I refused to beleive what she had to deal with. Its definately a very wierd and uncomfortable situation.
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Sep 19 2007
07:34:50 PM
grauglider Super Glider GliderMap Visit grauglider's Photo Album grauglider's Journal USA 260 Posts
Yah in sherichards case our sorrows go out to you I wish I could help. Hopefully the vet will give him some sort of a laxative. keep us updated as to the lady who got her little mans thing sewed in I don't think that is good for him at all definetely take that stitch out he'll probably be ok after that. I have laughed alot from this post and thank you for all the info and forwarnings.
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Sep 20 2007
02:34:45 PM
grauglider Super Glider GliderMap Visit grauglider's Photo Album grauglider's Journal USA 260 Posts
Hey pumpkin makes them poo supposedly I would try it
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Sep 22 2007
08:43:01 PM
Minkasmom Joey 17 Posts
I just went through this same situation about a week ago with Willy Wonka. What I was recommended (by Dancing) to do for him is give him .3 cc's of olive oil or vegetable oil twice a day. Since I have a surplus of olive oil in the cupboard, I tried it...Willy loved it and IT WORKED.

I got my fair share of input about this whole thing, and only Dancing came forward & explained the WHYS and HOW TO's about the bad side of suturing Willy because of a genitalia that wouldn't go back in.

So I'll know for the next time (may "next time" be MANY MANY YEARS AWAY from me!)
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Sep 22 2007
08:48:22 PM
Rach Face Hugger GliderMap Visit Rach's Photo Album 626 Posts
I am just telling you what they do here for ringtail possums and different sorts of marsupials. Its not disgusting as some of you put it, its neccessary to prevent injury.
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Oct 04 2007
10:38:15 AM
debrino01 Starting Member GliderMap 4 Posts
My son got me a male sugar glider and I just love him to death. He got him from a pet store and I guess the little guy had never had any attention and just wasn't treated very well. All he would do when anyone came near him was crab really loud, bite really hard, run away anywhere he could and seemed scared to death. Now when we have our tent time he crawls up my shirt, jumps on my head, etc. My son didn't get much information on him such as how old he is, so I don't really know much about him. He did buy me a book plus I've been researching on the internet. His name is Nitro because the first night I got him he got loose and it took me all night to catch him. Anyway, he is approximately 5-6 inches long with his tail measuring the same so I'm guessing he is about a year or so old??????
Shortly after I got him I noticed the bald spot on his head was much larger and there were scabs on it. I was so upset because I had read about the self mutilation thing. I started spending even more time with him and am happy to say the scabs are gone and the hair is growing back. YEAH! However, I desparately want to get him a companion because I know that will fill a void in him. I also would love to have some joeys! My son built Nitro a cage that is 6ft.high by 3 1/2ft. wide so he will have plenty of room to share with a family. Thinking about it though, is there any way to tell if Nitro has been neutered without taking him to the vet? I found an ad on this website with a female that should be compatible and she is in Tulsa. That is only 50 miles from me but I've never done this before so I didn't leave my email address or phone number and now I don't see him on there. He wanted $100 obo and I ask if he would by chance take $75 (long story, when one thing goes wrong with the house, several do and that aint cheap)! Anyway, if anyone can give me some info I would surely appreciate it. I just really feel that I've been making good progress with him (but he still won't let me hold him). Oh, I've had him about 3 1/2 months and I know it takes a long time, but I'm in it for the long haul. But I still truly believe he needs a companion of his own species too. Thanks for reading my novel. lol
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Oct 04 2007
10:49:18 AM
kyro298 Glider Sprinkles GliderMap Gliderpedia Editor Visit kyro298's Photo Album kyro298's Journal CO, USA 15262 Posts
Does he have little poms? (They look like bunny tails to me) Mine is neutered but still has those. Some vets remove them completely. If he has none, he's probably neutered. If he does still have them, then I'm honestly not sure how to tell. I don't know if the bald spot is a sign of not being neutered either..mine does NOT have a bald spot. If you can take him to the vet, that's a great idea before having another one anyway-just to be sure there are no issues and then you'll know where to take them if you ever have a problem too. Some gliders never let you hold them. :( I have three and the only time they don't care is when they're eating. They'll play on me and all over me for hours but they don't like being just held. Oh, and by the way, WELCOME!!
A medical discussion for new owners regarding male gliders
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Sugar Gliders
A medical discussion for new owners regarding male gliders