kyro298 Glider Sprinkles CO, USA 15262 Posts Yes, well, I spent (and I am not kidding or exaggerating) about 6-7 hours cleaning their cages and the floors under it and walls around it today. That was a bit much but there was food stuck everywhere and I'm tired of it. I had my hubby make me a little kitchen tonight and so far, so good! Kiki was in there before I even got my hand out of the cage.
On a side note, since I tore their room apart today, I put them up in my bathroom for the day (in their nest box) and set it in the tub. Not a peep from them throughout the day. As my husband is finishing the kitchen, I tell him I need to hurry before they wake up. TOO LATE! I could hear them before I even got all the way up the stairs! I walked into my bathroom...poop and pee puddles EVERYWHERE, they knocked over a vase, Maddox was on one shower head and Skitzi on the other. I don't even know how they got in there! It's all glass walls-probably 7 feet high and I had to open the door to get them out! Shiloh was on my curtains, Daddy and Zoom were each sitting in their respective sinks and Kiki was staring at me from the nest box like "what the....?!?!?" It's a good thing I am a compulsive neat freak and don't keep anything at all out because they were everywhere. I had towels under all the door "just in case" too, thank goodness. I wish I had my camera on me then. SnowCat Starting Member 5 Posts That is a brilliant idea! kazko Little Bunny FooFoo TX, USA 6747 Posts quote: Originally posted by dizzysmom
...they have hanging shelves in the closet area. I found them at just the right width to hang in a cage that's 18" deep. In the pic, it looks like it has a top on it, but that's just because it is hanging below a shelf. It has three sides coming up above the shelf.
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