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I Hate Pocket Pets (The Company). Please Read!!!!
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I Hate Pocket Pets (The Company). Please Read!!!!
Jan 31 2012
07:35:28 PM
So recently I went to a pet expo, and saw the company "pocket pets" selling sugar gliders, with a crappy small cage about 2ft tall by 1ft wide at most and a starter kit that includes 2 years worth of food. The gliders they had their with them, they were handling the gliders very rough and were holding them in their closed fist so the glider couldnt move, let alone the gliders were scared to death because of all of the 1000's of dogs people brought to this expo. I went to the booth to see what they were telling people who came to see the sugar gliders, and they went thru this whole 5 min presentation about gliders. after that they opened the floor for questions. They state that 2 years worth of food is all you will need and it only costs about $9 a month to feed a glider, and how they dont poop or pee on you and that they dont require much attention yada yada. I spend atleast $9 a week just on food alone. So i stepped in and explained that I have 2 gliders and half the stuff they were saying is false and no where near accurate. then when his crowd starts to ask me questions i start answering their questions The guy gets pissed off and cuts me off, and then i walk away. Throughout the time i was at the expo they sold a few gliders to random people. The thing that pissed me off is yes alot of people like myself did ALOT of research before buying my gliders and have unlimited time to spend with them, but these people who bought the gliders simply bought based off the * this guys was telling them and little do they know how much time/money goes into bonding/feeding/accessories....weeks later these glider will probably be up on craigslist which is sad.
I honestly want to rent a booth right across from them next year and educate the people buying glider at the expo and make them realize this isnt like a cat that you can just leave for periods of time and requires alot more than what think.
sorry about my ranting, just was pissed off @ what i saw.
Jan 31 2012
08:28:02 PM
lancegtx Glider 194 Posts
I cant believe how deceptive pocket pets are. Their youtube series of videos COMPLETELY fooled me when i was researching gliders.

Here's some good news tho. I just googled pocket pets and some of the first page hits were exotic nutrition, a reputable breeder, and a news video exposing pocket pets. So personally i think its awesome that if anyone see's one of these kiosks or boots and decide to go home and do research they will learn the truth.

This forum among with may others have done a GREAT job getting the word out about PP.

One little suggestion tho. A page 1 sticky thread with all of the info on pocket pets would thwart alot of sales. I know ALOT of first time users come here for info.
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Jan 31 2012
08:38:30 PM
jbaudia4 Glider Visit jbaudia4's Photo Album USA 135 Posts
how do you page 1 sticky thread?
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Jan 31 2012
10:28:13 PM
crazed_girl Face Hugger Visit crazed_girl's Photo Album USA 418 Posts
Was this the Pet Expo in MD? I was going to go to it but I was busy all weekend! >.< If it was then I KNEW I should have gone! I would have been right there beside you and I would have cut the guy off again just to make sure everyone had the right information!
Heated Debates
Feb 01 2012
12:33:17 AM
dragonflycatcher Face Hugger Visit dragonflycatcher's Photo Album FL, USA 723 Posts
You are lucky they didnt have some kind of security set up that they could call and have you escorted away. I had it happen to me a little over a month ago. I got out 3 sentences before the man was on his phone calling them and I left the booth on my own before security came, he had to help them find me halfway down the mall.
All I said was, why dont you tell them about pellet food and liver failure or tooth decay becuase its nowhere near their natural diet or maybe that heat rocks are dangerous and only needed for an underage glider. That was it he called security like he would call his mommy. ppp knows that they are doing wrong and there are people who will step on them like that so they have security set up ahead of time. They have made some small improvements lately but are still no good in my book.

(edited for spelling and grammar)

Edited by - dragonflycatcher on Feb 01 2012 12:37:09 AM
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Feb 01 2012
08:11:31 AM
sjones5254 Goofy Gorillatoes Visit sjones5254's Photo Album SC, USA 2415 Posts
you need to contact linda at And let her know
Feb 01 2012
01:48:41 PM
LSardou Glider Visit LSardou's Photo Album USA 121 Posts
If anyone has seen or hear of Pocket Pets, or any other Mill Broker selling at your local malls, trade shows, or flea markets, PLEASE contact me ASAP. I will provide you with detailed instructions on what you can do to help, and keep yourself protected in the process.

Please email me at Address, Phone Number, Name of Organization. Also, if you do have comments or know their whereabouts, please do not post that information on the boards. Doing so, will 'tip' them off which in turn will hamper our team of investigators from doing their job in helping us nail them.

Thank you,
Feb 01 2012
01:59:24 PM
Omis n Kais g-ma Pouch Protector Visit Omis n Kais g-ma's Photo Album TX, USA 7524 Posts
God I wish I could help you. Never even heard pf them coming to San Antonio.
Feb 01 2012
02:13:03 PM
NibblersMom Starting Member FL, USA 1 Posts
<blockquote id="quote"><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica" id="quote">quote:<hr height="1" noshade id="quote"><i>Originally posted by LSardou</i>
<br />If anyone has seen or hear of Pocket Pets, or any other Mill Broker selling at your local malls, trade shows, or flea markets, PLEASE contact me ASAP. I will provide you with detailed instructions on what you can do to help, and keep yourself protected in the process.

Please email me at Address, Phone Number, Name of Organization. Also, if you do have comments or know their whereabouts, please do not post that information on the boards. Doing so, will 'tip' them off which in turn will hamper our team of investigators from doing their job in helping us nail them.

Thank you,
<hr height="1" noshade id="quote"></font id="quote"></blockquote id="quote">

PPP came through Seminole Town Center Mall in Sanford Florida several months ago. Seminole Town Center Mall is owned by Simon Property which is a large National Group who owns malls all over the country.. We bought a Suggie when they were here... I researched what is best for her and have her on a good diet we have purchased though Exotic Pet Nutricion out of Newport News Virginia.
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Feb 01 2012
03:33:10 PM
scoutandmiko Glider 122 Posts
Ugh I know. I think almost everyone that knows sugar gliders hates them! They came last year and I TOTALLY fell for it. The way they said it made it sound so real. But really they called security? Poor sugar gliders..:<
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Feb 01 2012
08:34:42 PM
jbaudia4 Glider Visit jbaudia4's Photo Album USA 135 Posts
ya this expo was in timonium md. appreciate everyones support! For exotic nutrition i buy alot of our girls toys,wheels,yogurt drops from them and have had a great experience with them. As far as pocket pets its just wrong what they are doing and feel so bad for the gliders. now im sure a small handful of the gliders they do sell end up going to good homes where people have done their research, but for the rest of those uneducated future glider owners they end up with malnurished, unhealthy, unhappy gliders that eventually end up on craigslist or dying. If i could get people to go in with me for next years expo i would honestly like to rent a booth right across from theirs and expose the truth and educate these people so they can actually realize the investment of time, attention, that goes in to raising a healthy, happy glider!If you get a chance, go on your local craigslist and see how many gliders are up for adoption/sale that arent under 6 months old.

Perfect example right here. I copy pasted this out of my local craigslist, and looks just like the cage you would get when purchasing from pocket pets.
I am selling my 1 year old male sugar glider! I absolutely loved having him, but unfortunately simply did not have the time to care for him like he needed. He is an absolute sweetheart and will bond really quickly! Also, with the sugar glider I will include the following: 1 male sugar glider, 1 24in. x 18in. x 18in. wire cage, 2 plastic food bowls, 1 hanging water dispenser, 1 sleeping pouch, 1 sugar glider approved running wheel (w/ extra sand paper insert), 1 bonding pouch, a supply of sugar glider food pellets, and a complete guide to care for your new sugar glider! This is a great deal and it is a joy to have a pet sugar glider! The cage requires minimal cleaning, but you do need to spend a fair amount of time with your sugar glider; atleast a few hours a day. Please email me with any questions! Serious offers only, only cash accepted. Thank you!

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Feb 01 2012
08:40:14 PM
crazed_girl Face Hugger Visit crazed_girl's Photo Album USA 418 Posts
DARNIT! I knew I should have gone! I told the girls at work about pocket pets and they were so surprised that a company would do such a thing! UGH I'm so mad at myself for not going! >.< I am always going on Craigslist to see the ads that are up for Sugar Gliders.. If I had my own home I'd try and rescue as many as I could just to give them the best life they had, even if it only meant a few months. :(

I've even tried to send messages to a few of them saying that they should at least make sure the person they are getting them from has the right information, letting them know the cage is not the right size despite was some companies say and that they should come here or tell the new owners to come here to get as much good information as possible to give the absolute best care for their glider.
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Feb 01 2012
09:31:40 PM
jbaudia4 Glider Visit jbaudia4's Photo Album USA 135 Posts
if you also get a sec check out this persons profile mysticalblue14 and their last post. very sad and guess where they got their glider.... pocket pets. i just read their post and made me sick to my stomach
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Feb 01 2012
09:37:25 PM
crazed_girl Face Hugger Visit crazed_girl's Photo Album USA 418 Posts
That's only one recent story.. there are hundreds and thousands more similar too it.. It's sad.. I hope her little girl is okay. <3 PP won't do anything other than say "we can replace the cage" or "we can send you a new glider" It doesn't change the fact that the glider is dying or is death.. it will not mend a broken heart.. I wish they did more but they are only in it for their profit..
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Feb 01 2012
09:46:01 PM
jbaudia4 Glider Visit jbaudia4's Photo Album USA 135 Posts
this just makes me want to do all i can to shut them down.
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Feb 01 2012
10:07:48 PM
Mamag Glider Visit Mamag's Photo Album USA 156 Posts
I was at the same pet expo. The guy completely misled everyone. What an a hole
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Feb 01 2012
10:09:44 PM
crazed_girl Face Hugger Visit crazed_girl's Photo Album USA 418 Posts
Welcome to the forum Mamag.
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Feb 01 2012
10:28:49 PM
Mamag Glider Visit Mamag's Photo Album USA 156 Posts
Thank you!
Feb 03 2012
02:26:26 AM
Stella Starting Member 2 Posts
Thank you for this!!!

I was at the Pet Expo at the Timonium Fairgrounds last weekend and it was my first time seeing a "demonstration" from the Pocket Pet people. I stopped to watch because my vet had asked me one day if I had ever considered a sugar glider for a pet. (He knows that I'm a sucker for small furry animals and he has a breeder that he helps find good homes for the breeder's sugar gliders.)So I stopped and watched the presentation. I even held "Julius", have the flyer and came home talking about how amazing that is was that there is a pet out there that might be perfect for me.

BUT, I decided to do a little research and I found this forum. I had asked several questions..What about the smell of the urine/droppings? <i> none</i>, What about illnesses? . What about the type of litter? etc..He answered my questions and I could tell that he didn't want to answer anything, just tell things to people. The 800$+ price tag fell in line with my thought that if they charged more for hamsters, people wouldn't treat them so poorly, so it seemed reasonable to have a high price. But it was all too "pretty". I would love to hang out with the people here to get to find out the truth about the Sugar Gliders and make an informed decission before I purchase.
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Feb 03 2012
02:39:23 AM
BookGoddes Face Hugger Visit BookGoddes's Photo Album 482 Posts
Stella, I am in that area and have gliders and if you ever want to stop by, let me know! :) Your welcome to visit and see what life is like with them and 4 kids and how PP makes things sounds so easy and yet why I tell people that having gliders is a lot like having a little baby! Adorable, but work and ya, poop and pee stinks! LOL There are ways to make it less so, but pellets is not a good natural option.

Feb 04 2012
10:08:09 PM
Stella Starting Member 2 Posts
That's very generous, I may take you up on that. We have a cockatiel, 2 hamsters and a guinea pig. The bird flys everywhere, after years he finally has learned to go back to his cage (70% of the time) to poo. The rest of the time, he usually ends up on my husbands shoulder and leaves his mark down his sleeve. The hamsters pee is pretty strong, but we are always cleaning and picking up after them to be sure that we minimize the pet oder. The guinea pig, well he's only 5 mo old and just getting litter box trained. We have to trim the hamster's teeth because they don't know that they are supposed to gnaw on things. So one more flying, peeing, smelly furry, high maintenance thing really isn't an issue.

What I'm most concerned about is proper housing, proper diet and a good idea of what to expect regarding temperment, disease or things to watch for. It wasn't 'till we lost our first guinea pig at age 3 due to bladderstones. We even had a 600$ surgery done on the little guy,to remove the stones, but the stones returned. We didn't know till it was too late that he should have had romaine lettuce vs leaf and bottled water. The 2nd one lived to be 7 and we hope it's because we learned from our mistakes. I don't want to make an investment and then make mistakes and have to poor little creature die because of MY ignorance. We know that our 16 year old bird and 3 year old hamsters are pushing the age limit. I'm not going to buy any more pets while we still have them. But when I do, so far I've not heard too much that would scare me away from a glider. I AM interested in the tooth decay thing and how to handle that.
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Feb 17 2012
02:45:23 AM
DexterW1 Joey USA 11 Posts
It's terrible. My boy was a PocketPets suggie and he was neutered and already half grown when they sold him to my friend and he was over-whelmed with how tedious it can be sometimes and so i bought him from my friend and have been trying to get him to bond but he is so confused now, but we are making progress and he is healthy and pretty happy
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Feb 17 2012
07:04:12 PM
Charliebear Face Hugger Visit Charliebear's Photo Album 479 Posts
Wow i am on your side. and so is my Vet. My first glider came from them and he is a sick little guy. He is at the vet i would say 10times a year. my vet new i got him from PPP so legally she could not say anything to me. Once i did my research and told her what i found out about them she was able to speak freely to me. Her and a few other Vets got together and had them banned from all Charlotte Malls, 3 but to me that's a lot. I spent $600 bucks on charlie, a cage i have ditched, food i tossed, a heat rock I tossed, a wheel i tossed and vitiamins i tossed....UGH what a waste. But honestly if it was not for them i would never have owned a sugar glider let a lone 4. I love them and I do thank PPP for introducing them to me.
Mar 17 2012
09:40:05 PM
vicky_johnson Starting Member 2 Posts
The Super Pet Expo at the Dulles Expo Center in Chantilly Va is hosting these guys this weekend - March 17&18 = they are doing a serious hard sell, my kids were sold and really really wanted them. I had to get online and show them how these guys were salesmen and no better than puppy mills. You wouldn't buy a dog from a pet store but you'd buy these animals from these snake oil salesmen?

The place is filled with Dog Rescue organization having booths promoting responsible pet ownership and the coordinators felt it was okay to sell booth space to the Pocket Pets people. For Shame!
Mar 17 2012
09:43:29 PM
petluv15 Fuzzy Wuzzy Gliderpedia Editor Visit petluv15's Photo Album petluv15's Journal 1500 Posts
<blockquote id="quote"><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica" id="quote">quote:<hr height="1" noshade id="quote"><i>Originally posted by vicky_johnson</i>
<br />The Super Pet Expo at the Dulles Expo Center in Chantilly Va is hosting these guys this weekend - March 17&18 = they are doing a serious hard sell, my kids were sold and really really wanted them. I had to get online and show them how these guys were salesmen and no better than puppy mills. You wouldn't buy a dog from a pet store but you'd buy these animals from these snake oil salesmen?

The place is filled with Dog Rescue organization having booths promoting responsible pet ownership and the coordinators felt it was okay to sell booth space to the Pocket Pets people. For Shame!
<hr height="1" noshade id="quote"></font id="quote"></blockquote id="quote">

You know what's even worse?? They're ILLEGAL in Chantilly, VA(Fairfax County) as well as Prince WIlliam county and a few other areas in N. Virginia. Yet you NEVER hear them say that or screen people to ensure they aren't purchasing a glider when they live in Fairfax/Prince WIlliam Counties...
Mar 18 2012
09:12:31 AM
JazzNZoeysmom Zippy Glidershorts GliderMap Visit JazzNZoeysmom's Photo Album USA 5354 Posts
<blockquote id="quote"><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica" id="quote">quote:<hr height="1" noshade id="quote"><i>Originally posted by newby</i>
<br />I love PP and Virgil Klunder is one sexy beast!
<hr height="1" noshade id="quote"></font id="quote"></blockquote id="quote">

Sherri you're just trying to get this forum fired up on a Sunday morning aren'tcha!!!????
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Mar 18 2012
10:23:28 AM
newby Face Hugger Visit newby's Photo Album 527 Posts
Ok, so I don't LOVE PP but Virgil is sexy! LOL
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Mar 18 2012
10:27:05 AM
newby Face Hugger Visit newby's Photo Album 527 Posts
Plus, I haven't been on much all weekend. I'm just making up for lost time.
Mar 18 2012
12:51:53 PM
vicky_johnson Starting Member 2 Posts
You can email the organizer of the Super Pet Expo to protest their support and continued promotion of the Pocket Pets group -

While you are at it, send a couple of emails to the big financial supporters of the event too letting them know you are unhappy with their support of Pocket Pets. Like INNOVA dog food.

These animals are ILLEGAL to own in Fairfax County and in Prince William County VA, and I spoke to a FC Police officer today about this and the Pocket Pets group. The officer told me that every year they have problems with Pocket Pets at the Expo, that while they are allowed to be there they are NOT allowed to sell the animals to any FC residents and much have a sign clearly stating that these animals are not allowed to be owned here.

I wish they could get them for their shady business practices but if the only way I can get some attention drawn to this group is by getting Animal Control involved regarding the Exotic Animal code that's better than nothing.
Mar 18 2012
01:09:01 PM
shadow Goofy Gorillatoes GliderMap Gliderpedia Editor Visit shadow's Photo Album MO, USA 2332 Posts
<blockquote id="quote"><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica" id="quote">quote:<hr height="1" noshade id="quote"><i>Originally posted by newby</i>
<br />I love PP and Virgil Klunder is one sexy beast!
<hr height="1" noshade id="quote"></font id="quote"></blockquote id="quote">
umm...was this post really necessary? i really cant see the humor in what PP does to gliders.
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Mar 18 2012
01:19:43 PM
newby Face Hugger Visit newby's Photo Album 527 Posts
I'm sorry that your funny bone is broken! Please let me know when it is healed and I will try to entertain you again some other day.
I Hate Pocket Pets (The Company). Please Read!!!!
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Sugar Gliders
I Hate Pocket Pets (The Company). Please Read!!!!