I've heard the general rule for other non glider products would be the cost of the supplies to make it and then double that cost for your profit. However, if it only costs 3 dollars to make, 6 dollars I think would be to cheap. I'm not saying it only takes 3 dollars to make it, I just threw that number out there. I would say AT LEAST $10 and maybe $15 at the most. Then again, yours in the nicest one I've seen so you never know, people might be willing to pay more because of that too. I'd say charge what you think makes it worth it for you to make them and go by that. Everybody wants to find a great deal but what matters is whether its worth your time to even sell them. You know people are liking them alot. I say go for it!
Well if she were making one without the chain then it would be less costly.. but she adds the chain which .. I dunno how much that costs... for me I am paying for convenience of not having to buy the stuff and do it myself. Also... lets not forget gas used to go and buy this stuff. It doesn't just magically arrive at her door..lol So.. anyway that is just how I look at stuff like this.
Well if she were making one without the chain then it would be less costly.. but she adds the chain which .. I dunno how much that costs... for me I am paying for convenience of not having to buy the stuff and do it myself. Also... lets not forget gas used to go and buy this stuff. It doesn't just magically arrive at her door..lol So.. anyway that is just how I look at stuff like this.
I agree whole hardedly! I think you should charge whatever you want. If people want it, they'll buy it. You have to ask enough to make it worth it for you to make them. I think its up to you and I think its wonderful that you're asking peoples opinions on how you can make it better because then even more people will want one. For me, getting chain is a pain in the butt because I'd have to order online. We don't have a hobby lobby (sp?) near us where I think some people get their chain - so for people like me, it would be well worth it to just order from someone else and have them make it. Maybe make one of those polls and ask people how much they would be willing to pay for the finsihed product? You can still charge more than what people say if you want but that way you can get some peoples votes on what they think its worth. What do you think?
I like the poll idea. This way you would get a wide range of what people are willing to pay. You'll be able to go off the average price or at least see what the average would be that people are willing to do. Again I'll say, I like it, good job.
You click on the top of the page where it says glider gossip. Then four down -- its says sugar gliders, then general chat, then glider stories, and then it says Polls, Votes and Questionnaires and you click on that and start the topic there. I've never made a poll before so I can't walk you through it any further than that but if you can't figure out how to do it (I'm guessing it would be easy but I don't know for sure since I've never done it) then I'm sure someone can teach you how to get it as a poll. I think it would be fun!
The only thing I could think of is that the bottom might drop out. If your suggies get to wild they just might click open the bottom. Looks littl small but for two should be just fine.
I paid one dollar for mine at the dollar store, but I bought two. I already had the hhole saw. I did buy another hole saw set a harbor freight for just 3 dollars. I only have on hole.
Yeah that was my MAIN concern, some totes did not offer a "LATCH"! Check out the photo... IT actually locks! and since it is flipped... they cant (well I am sure someones could do it...) lift the latch!
Way to go! You took all of the safety into consideration by using the locking bottom! The best part is that if you start making them, I get the third one!!
Wow your guy's kitchens look better than mine. I just used gladware and cut two holes in it with an exacto knife compass. My gliders love to knock it off its perch at night :)
I am sure I could... Love yours! The box I am using (till Walmart decides to quit carrying them) Has a great latch. I honestly have no fear of it falling off. Plus I have a "Support" to connect it to the cage so there is little swing! I will have to show my hubby yours... and see what he can come up with!
Way to go! You took all of the safety into consideration by using the locking bottom! The best part is that if you start making them, I get the third one!!
No no no no no I am in line for the third one!!!!! Get back behind me! I need one or 2 in a BAAAAAAD way.
i've been wanting one since i saw what the 'kitchen' was. i planned on making one...but i'm lazy. lol. maybe i'll just buy a premaid. that way everybody wins. =PPP
I know it has a latch on the bottom, but I've used these kinds of containers for storing things for years...the latches CAN be faulty or just snap off sometimes. I'm just thinking that as often as this will have to be washed,opened and closed, there could potentially be an issue there. Not trying to be a downer...I've just had experiences with having to replace these containers because of the latches. I haven't brought it up before but the more I think about it, I'd hate to have something happen and not have said anything.
I greatly appreciate that! We have started looking into finding one that would secure on the sides, so the lid could come off and it would be top Up.
Working on it!!!
We have spent the last 3 days pulling horses out of flood water. I am exhausted and hurting so today is a day on the internet surfing! LOL - Lets see what I can find!
Everyone is safe and on higher ground! Water still rising at the Sanctuary! IT is horrible! We lost tack, feed, hay, Medical supplies, everything! BUT we will get through it! Everyone is doing well and it appears even the Yearling did not get any water in the lungs! Someone was surely watching over us! All of us are eaten by fire ants... and living on Benadryl! But we will get through!
As for the containers... I do use those for my kitchen in my house! I do like them... BUT IF someone was to try to sit on the ledge... they could pop them open!
Glad to hear you are doing well Holley, I hope things continue to go well for you! Thank goodness all of the animals are safe as well. Let me know if there is anything that I could help you with...I ALWAYS have Benadryl!!
LOL Well... anyone who has a good relationship with Mother Nature... Could you possibly request that the rain NOT come?!?! We need to get the Sanctuary dried out so everyone can go home!
LOL Well... anyone who has a good relationship with Mother Nature... Could you possibly request that the rain NOT come?!?! We need to get the Sanctuary dried out so everyone can go home!
You can send the rain to Florida!!! We'd kill to see some rain here. I hope everything starts to dry up and that you guys will be OK!
Will do... now to figure out how to send it to you! LOL
We are all doing well! The horses seem much happier today that they are DRY! My mom called and they have been on National TV! Hummm... why did they not do the animals at the park? You should have seen the poor Emu Rescue! The 1 did NOT want to leave! But we all seem to be doing good and learning that it is time for a new bit of property! Now to find one!
Made my first Hanging Glider "Dining Room" (aka Kitchen)