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KatFarrell's Journal
Introducing Myself & Li'l Fritz :D

Jan 5, 2011

 Introducing Myself & Li'l Fritz :D

Hi! We're new here so I thought that I'd introduce us.

That's Fritz. He's aprox 8mo old now and a big lover of life. His favorite activities are wrestling (with either fingers or ears), exploring any new places, scaring off larger animals (he even took on a 90lb German Shepard before I could interviene, lol), and eating pretty much anything he can get his li'l hands on.

Disclaimer: I'm about to seriously upset a lot of you. Yes, I adopted Fritz from PPP. Don't kill/sue/yell at me. I didn't know (and while they're not the best, I don't believe they're Evil as a lot of their info meshes with yours). Thankfully everything has worked out fine. Yes, he has been on their Glide R Chow (hense why he gets boild egg & other 'treats'reguarlly). I'm currently researching a better option (for all of those who helped me in the Chat room lasst night, THANKS for all of the links. They'll help alot!) Yes, I'm also currently equiped with the standard PPP cage, but am looking into a larger cage (esp. since it looks like I'll be rescuing a small family of neglected gliders).

Now that's out of the way, lol. I will be asking a lot of questions as i'm tired of getting cookie cutter answers from PPP & like to start my research by getting the opinions of others. I love Fritz & want him to be healthy, happy, & live a long & fulfilled life.

Have Fun & I'll ttyl!



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 About Me

avatar KatFarrell
Gender: Female
Occupation:Marketing Director for Mercer Carpet One Floor & Home
Member since: Jan 4, 2011
Posts: 558
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My Hobbies
I enjoy pretty much anything outdoors espcially backpacking & I recently picked up snowboarding. :D Plus I'm a huge bookworm, enjoy learning about new things, spending time with my loved ones, listening to good music, watching good movies, & using my creative abilities.
My News
Probably the most recent news of note is that I just picked up snowboarding (my BF's teaching me) and will be sore on & off all winter, lol. :D
Favorite Quote
"You can't fix stupid" lol There are many more, but that's a good one for now. :D
My Bio
I'll keep it brief...real brief: ~ home schooled until 16yrs ~ graduated from com. col. at 18yrs ~ graduated from 4yr school in Dec. 08 ~ working for my family's business as the marketing director ~ finally moved out of my parents place :D ~ have traveled to Spain, Italy, Ireland, England, & France (plus a large portion of the USA) ~ have had numerous pets throughout my childhood: dogs & cats gallor ~ now the proud mommy of Fritz ~ looking rescue a family of 4 Sugar Gliders if the owner doesn't clean up his act soon


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