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Ticked off/ranting time!

Nov 15, 2009

 Ticked off/ranting time!

Alright. I have seen so many posts about money issues and such. It's drastically ticking me off.
1) If you can not afford your glider a friend, how are you affording the food, vet bills, cage, and other necessary things a glider needs? A FRIEND is something NECESSARY to a glider's well-being. As said before, sugar gliders are colony animals and do much better while in larger numbers.
2) If these people were responsible enough to READ the information about gliders and see that they need two, wouldn't a person save up to get two? Wouldn't a person see all of the horror stories about gliders doing terrible things to themselves? These are the same people when something actually happens to their glider, they can not afford to get their glider emergency treatment or even know the number to their vet!! Come on, guys! Show some responsibility. If you can not do this, DO NOT own ANY pet for that matter. You do not deserve the love of an animal if you can not give it the best life it deserves! If that means saving up, waiting until you are older, or just not getting one at all, then by all means do these things and do not get a glider until then or at all.


Nov 23 2009 : 07:43:59 PM
I've read these posts ever since I've gotten here, but recently I couldn't take seeing it anymore. It really saddens me what happens to gliders just because people are impatient or ignorant. Which can be avoided. I'm sorry if someone was offended by my post, but I'm just stating the truth.

Nov 23 2009 : 03:33:44 PM
oh ok. i just didnt want a finger pointed at me. it'd get cut off!! lol.

Nov 18 2009 : 06:46:29 PM
I agree with you 100% and I know that this is not targeted at one specific person. It's the whole idea from reading many many posts and seeing almost the same response from so many individuals. Money is tough right now and I know it's hard but when it comes to the sake of your gliders, just like your children the individual must put aside their own needs and put their pet and their children first. This is important; Proper Vet care, a friend for your glider, a proper cage and the right diet. I made a post along these same lines not that many weeks ago.

Nov 16 2009 : 05:17:30 PM
I don't believe this was intended for one specific person...

Nov 15 2009 : 10:27:31 PM
hehe i was only getting 1 and ended up with a brother and sister! best thing i've ever done!!!!

Nov 15 2009 : 02:17:19 PM
i hope u are not talking about me because i am waiting for replies from people selling their gliders.

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Gender: Male
Occupation:PacSun Sales Rep, College Student.
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"Times doesn't stand still and you shouldn't either."
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I am currently a 23 year old college student at the University of South Alabama majoring in Criminal Justice and Behavoiral Psychology. My pets are my world. :). If you have any questions about me or my pets, please don't be shy. :)


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