So, recently I posted that I was going to have a little chat with my local pet store about the unhealthy habits they have with gliders. So.. I calmly approached the pet store with head held high and an open heart, only to be ignored with my questions on how they are treating the gliders. I started, still somehow calmly, to tell them things that had to be done unless they want to lose their gliders, which I cleverly said would mean a loss in profit. Their eyes bulged for a second, but still nothing happened. I learned today that a shipment of gliders were thrown in together, resulting in massive fights. One glider lost an eye, one glider died, and one had two broken limbs. My heart completely broke in two. My mind started to become jumbled, I didn't know what to do or say. Wouldn't someone learn what NOT to do? Two sets of joeys have been born within the month, according to an inside source, which has also complained about the treatment of the gliders.
Alright.. I'm sick of not being able to do anything. I have to sit and watch these helpless gliders, only being separated by a thin piece of glass. God please help these little guys...