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Moriko's Journal

Nov 8, 2009


After re-homing five gliders, I found out how much personality and how different each glider's personality can be. It's just amazing how different every one of my eight gliders are.


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 About Me

avatar Moriko
Gender: Male
Occupation:PacSun Sales Rep, College Student.
Member since: Dec 20, 2008
Posts: 943
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My Hobbies
My Hobbies include: My pets^_^,skateboarding, paintball, singing, playing guitar/piano/violin. Many other things.
Favorite Quote
"Times doesn't stand still and you shouldn't either."
My Bio
I am currently a 23 year old college student at the University of South Alabama majoring in Criminal Justice and Behavoiral Psychology. My pets are my world. :). If you have any questions about me or my pets, please don't be shy. :)


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