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Received 6+4 handovers this week

Aug 24, 2007

 Received 6+4 handovers this week

We picked up some handover sugars from San Antonio and Austin areas this week while on a roadtrip.

1. JP is a 1 year old male received from Yolanda in San Antonio. He was handed over by his keeper Jessica and her dad. Jessica was very sad to see him go. He came with the largest cage per animal and supplies. I think he was loved and will be missed.
2. 4 adults were received from Melissa in Kyle. Both females are with pouch and it looks like 2 each. Chico is the dad, Lucky is the son, Kimmie and Cookie are the two females, prolly one of them a daughter of Chico’s, but that is a guess. They came with supplies and Leadbeaters mix items. Hence forth they will be referred to as the Sugar Shack family.
3. Kairi is a single female about 1 year old received from Josh in Austin. She came in an extremely tiny cage and was a biter.


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Gender: Male
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Member since: Jan 24, 1997
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NUTHOUSE (3) Pican 4/30/2002, died 6/02/2010 Buddy 5/01/2006 Hazel 2/01/2007, rehomed 11/28/2011 Maya 4/25/2007 Pili 4/25/2007 MISFITS (3) Big Guy 9/23/2003, died 1/29/2014 Lil Guy 9/23/2003, died 5/13/2015 Hunter 4/19/2006, died 3/23/2014 JP 8/12/2006 Shikoni 2004 Kioko 2003 Washi 2003, died 5/27/2014 SUGARSHACK (3) Chico 1/15/2006, died 9/14/2011 Cookie 10/15/2005 Kimmie 10/15/2005 Lucky 5/25/2007 Spritz 8/24/2007, died 7/06/2011 Ginger 8/24/2007, died 12/16/2012 Rock 9/09/2007, died 3/23/2013 Crystal 9/09/2007, died 11/01/2012


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