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Received rescues from Living Materials Center

Apr 19, 2007

 Received rescues from Living Materials Center

I received two cages of rescues today from Jim Dunlap at the Plano Living Materials Center . Cage1 had two boys and cage2 had a neutered boy and girl. The boy turned out to be blind and somewhat of a runt. I have no doubt that he was sold as a "special" sugar glider with blue eyes. Standard flea market fare.

I am very glad to have removed these animals from the shelter. They keep all of the animals in one large warehouse type of room which is ok except that the large birds and primates will randomly SCREEEEEECH a shrill sound that will scare the ghost out of an unsuspecting visitor. These tiny animals have been tormented endlessly by this I am sure.


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NUTHOUSE (3) Pican 4/30/2002, died 6/02/2010 Buddy 5/01/2006 Hazel 2/01/2007, rehomed 11/28/2011 Maya 4/25/2007 Pili 4/25/2007 MISFITS (3) Big Guy 9/23/2003, died 1/29/2014 Lil Guy 9/23/2003, died 5/13/2015 Hunter 4/19/2006, died 3/23/2014 JP 8/12/2006 Shikoni 2004 Kioko 2003 Washi 2003, died 5/27/2014 SUGARSHACK (3) Chico 1/15/2006, died 9/14/2011 Cookie 10/15/2005 Kimmie 10/15/2005 Lucky 5/25/2007 Spritz 8/24/2007, died 7/06/2011 Ginger 8/24/2007, died 12/16/2012 Rock 9/09/2007, died 3/23/2013 Crystal 9/09/2007, died 11/01/2012


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