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CLeaned out the mealworms

Jan 7, 2009

 CLeaned out the mealworms

I cleaned out the mealworms today. My process is to filter all of the worms from the frass and then dump them all into my old beetle drawer and then create a new clean drawer to move all the beetles into. So right now on webcam my beetle drawer looks super clean and empty but that will change quickly.

Just Cleaned


I'd like to find some better way to manage my mealworm farm. For instance, I can let the beetles hatch with the worms, they can mill around and feed and mate, but then they climb a ladder to go up into the hatchery to lay eggs. As they hatch up there, the small worms will fall through the mesh grate and into their feeding ground. The goal is to separate the hatchery from the feeding area to prevent worms from going up to the eggs so they cannot eat them.

I'll never build this but I should.


Jan 16 2009 : 09:58:27 PM
I agree with gliders34

Jan 09 2009 : 06:14:23 PM
Kazko, I've said it before but it bears repeating ... you are amazing!

Jan 07 2009 : 06:59:55 PM
Thats a cool method. I could never raise mealworms...I'm willing to pay the extra buck buying them when I need them.

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