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Stealth wheel gets a new bearing

May 13, 2010

 Stealth wheel gets a new bearing

My stealth wheel is somewhere over a year old and has gotten a lot of use between my three cages. The plastic bearing has been going out and it has just gotten worse and worse. So I decided to fix it any way that I could muster.

The best thing I was able to find to replace the bearing was a 3" garage door pulley from the home store.

I removed the wheel from the stand and then used a small nail to tap out the one way quick screws that secure the plastic bearing onto the wheel.

I was not able to find a way to remove the axle bolt from the bearing as it was either rusted into its sleeve or was somehow magically affixed, so I simply pried the bolt head through the back wall to release it.

The pulley is a very close fit as a replacement.

I drilled a larger center hole to allow the new bearing to protrude through the wheel.

I decided to drill out three of the six rivets that held the pulley together and then use the holes to affix the pulley to the back of the wheel using new rivets. Small bolts would work as well.

A quick reassembly of the whole thing and I have a much better working wheel again ready for more slow motion videos.


Mar 04 2011 : 06:18:29 PM
The inner track? It isnt attached to anything. Just sitting in there using the pressure created by forcing the two ends together with the connector / trim piece.

Mar 04 2011 : 06:09:34 PM
Just curious, how is the net attached to the two sides?

Sep 14 2010 : 10:16:05 PM
Or is this it? =]

Sep 14 2010 : 10:14:36 PM
No video of the newly fixed wheel? =O

May 19 2010 : 09:33:33 AM
Wow awesome job! Did you make the wheel yourself as well? I like the one you have, mine has that green sand paper in it, and is so hard to clean!

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