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Trim Trax to trim track

Dec 20, 2010

 Trim Trax to trim track

I am not a fan of Trim Trax for the Stealth. It didn't work on a cage of three boys. Their nails stayed evil sharp.

Looking into the Trim Trax design, I found two things that I think fail. The first is simply that not enough force presses back on the nails to do any good. An attempt is made to correct that by lining the back of the sand paper with a plastic sheet, but it fails. Secondly, the tracks are held in place using small nylon bolts. The bolt heads stick up into the running surface which is never something you want to do. From the perspective of the animal, I think the bolts are capable of doing damage to the feet running on them, and at best, the animal has to avoid 8 bolts while running. When multiple animals are in the wheel, it is even harder to avoid the bolts. It is also a pain to maintain the tracks with 8 bolts and nuts to undo and redo.

Modifying the Stealth to have a single solid nail trimmer track is very easy to do. All you need is a roll of 2-3/4"sand paper, some plastic hardware mesh for the new inner track and a vinyl FRP trim strip to cut out a track connector. Plastic mesh and an 8ft frp trim piece can be found at every Home Depot .

Cut an inner track from your roll of plastic mesh. Cut a similar length from your roll of sand paper .

Insert the sand paper into the wheel and then insert the new track into the wheel.

Push the track as snug as you can inside of the wheel and then cut off any overlapping track leaving a small width for the track connector.

Cut your track connector from the FRP trim, pull up both ends of the track, insert the connector then press it in and you should have a very firm running track which holds the sandpaper snugly in place.

The new running surface is completely free from dangerous foot obstacles and it is 100% sand paper for a more powerful nail maintenance.

This new design makes it very easy to remove the inner track and replace the sandpaper and it is all homebrew and off the shelf stuff. A single roll of sand paper will last you a very long time.


Jan 30 2011 : 08:19:16 PM
Has anyone found sandpaper on a roll in America? o_o

Jan 02 2011 : 08:12:53 PM
That's what he was fashioning it after

Dec 31 2010 : 01:36:29 PM
look up the "wodent wheel" suncoast sugar gliders. its what you just made, but the sandpaper and the mesh are stitched together

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