
Papaya/Apple/Pear/Cantaloupe Fruit Cocktail ( with proper Ca:Ph ratio - created by Dahlia_2020 )
Total Weight: 226.796 g
Total Volume: 236.588 mL
Created On: 11/5/2009 11:44:37 PM
Last Modified: 6/19/2010 5:57:13 PM

((PLEASE READ THE FOLLOWING BEFORE MAKING… Recipe created by Dahlia_2020 ... you are welcome to contact me with any questions. Look me up in the membership database and shoot me off a PM. )) First off, let me say that all of my fruit recipes are not smoothie recipes. They are not supposed to be blended, and I recommend you find out if your gliders will eat them diced up and chunky before attempting to serve it to them blended as most gliders don’t like their fruit blended up. Whereas on another note, a lot of gliders have to have their veggies blended. Mine definitely fall into that category, but you will have to find out on your own what your glider’s personal tastes are. If you are new to glider nutrition, please don't make the mistake of looking at any of my recipes and thinking you can just throw a pinch of each ingredient together and create something of the same nutritional value for your glider. There is a reason why there are more of some ingredients, and less of others, and that's because a glider's meal needs to be balanced with twice the level of useable calcium to the level of phosphorous. My recipe batches are large, because I feed multiple gliders. But if you do not wish to make large batches, then it is quite easy to look at any of my recipes and only use half of each ingredient amount to create a batch half the size. I feed HPW, and I put together my recipes as a way of creating a proper Ca:Ph (Calcium to Phosphorous) ratio of 2:1, or twice the amount of calcium to phosphorous. This is critical for gliders, particularly if they are on the HPW formula. I serve dinner in three parts every night. The HPW itself, the fruit portion, and the veggie portion. I have seven fruit cocktail recipes currently listed. All of them are the proper ratio. I also have five veggie relish recipes with the proper ratios listed as well. I believe in a variety for my gliders, so even though I enjoy the convenience of preparing these recipes in bulk and freezing them in individual portions, I do provide them with a nightly rotation, which is why these recipes work well with each other. Each one brings something different nutritionally to the table, yet they are the proper Ca:Ph ratio. Even if you are not feeding HPW, my recipes would work well for anyone wanting to provide their gliders with some balanced variety. But keep in mind, gliders need BOTH fruit AND veggies. You can't just provide them with one and think they are getting everything they need, just because its Ca:Ph ratio is correct. So if you use my recipes, then you need to select at LEAST one from each category. Gliders also need a protein source (which is what HPW helps provide) so keep that in mind as well. Instructions on making this would be for the papaya, apple, pear, and cantaloupe to be diced into approx. pea size amounts, measured and then mixed together thoroughly. Then I measure out a one tablespoon per glider serving into ice cube trays and then freeze... I then pop the cubes out (this is made easier if you run hot water over the back of the trays for just a few seconds to help the food cubes to turn loose without breaking in half) and store them in freezer safe containers or freezer bags. Each of my gliders get a one tablespoon serving of one of the veggie relishes and one tablespoon serving of one of the fruit cocktails along with a teaspoon and a half of HPW.

 MeasureUnitIngredientWeight (g)
 51 cup, cubesPapayas, raw700
 11 cup slicesApples, raw, without skin110
 11 cup, cubesPears, raw161
 1.751 cup, dicedMelons, cantaloupe, raw273
Nutrient Breakdown as a Percentage of each Ingredient Per Nutrient Total
1100 g 
512 kcal 
2140 kj 
7.47 g 
Total lipid (fat)
1.84 g 
6.76 g 
Carbohydrate, by difference
130 g 
Fiber, total dietary
21.5 g 
Sugars, total
89.7 g 
14.1 g 
   Glucose (dextrose)
12.2 g 
21.7 g 
0.0161 g 
0.125 g 
0.164 g 
0.0819 g 
Calcium, Ca
213 mg 
Iron, Fe
1.62 mg 
Magnesium, Mg
118 mg 
Phosphorus, P
106 mg 
Potassium, K
2820 mg 
Sodium, Na
66.3 mg 
Zinc, Zn
1.2 mg 
Copper, Cu
0.39 mg 
Manganese, Mn
0.31 mg 
Selenium, Se
5.45 mcg 
Fluoride, F
6.27 mcg 
Vitamin C, total ascorbic acid
544 mg 
0.341 mg 
0.347 mg 
4.72 mg 
Pantothenic acid
1.97 mg 
Vitamin B-6
0.416 mg 
Folate, total
335 mcg 
   Folic acid 0 mcg 
   Folate, food
335 mcg 
   Folate, DFE
335 mcg_DFE 
Choline, total
20.7 mg 
0.273 mg 
Vitamin B-12 0 mcg 
   Vitamin B-12, added 0 mcg 
Vitamin A, IU
17000 IU 
   Vitamin A, RAE
850 mcg_RAE 
   Retinol 0 mcg 
Vitamin E (alpha-tocopherol)
5.49 mg 
   Vitamin E, added 0 mg 
   Tocopherol, beta
0.011 mg 
   Tocopherol, gamma
0.348 mg 
   Tocopherol, delta 0 mg 
Vitamin K (phylloquinone)
32.9 mcg 
Fatty acids, total saturated
0.473 g 
   4:0 0 g 
   6:0 0 g 
   8:0 0 g 
   10:0 0 g 
0.00973 g 
0.0517 g 
0.368 g 
0.0314 g 
Fatty acids, total monounsaturated
0.322 g 
   16:1 undifferentiated
0.142 g 
   18:1 undifferentiated
0.18 g 
   20:1 0 g 
   22:1 undifferentiated 0 g 
Fatty acids, total polyunsaturated
0.525 g 
   18:2 undifferentiated
0.218 g 
   18:3 undifferentiated
0.309 g 
   18:4 0 g 
   20:4 undifferentiated 0 g 
   20:5 n-3 0 g 
   22:5 n-3 0 g 
   22:6 n-3 0 g 
Cholesterol 0 mg 
40.2 mg 
Amino Acids
0.0658 g 
0.148 g 
0.138 g 
0.237 g 
0.299 g 
0.0511 g 
0.00978 g 
0.151 g 
0.0775 g 
0.201 g 
0.172 g 
0.0846 g 
0.393 g 
Aspartic acid
0.964 g 
Glutamic acid
0.879 g 
0.228 g 
0.162 g 
0.256 g 
Alcohol, ethyl 0 g 
Caffeine 0 mg 
Theobromine 0 mg 
Carotene, beta
7480 mcg 
Carotene, alpha
43.7 mcg 
Cryptoxanthin, beta
5350 mcg 
Lycopene 0 mcg 
Lutein + zeaxanthin
688 mcg