
Subject: Discussion OPEN
Posted by Bourbon on December 13, 1999 at 22:48:55 from

In Reply to: galvanized vs coated cages posted by IrishCreme on December 13, 1999 at 19:43:22:

This would be a very good topic to open up... We have been researching this self mutilation thing with these gliders, and what we all have found they have in common is that they all usead a nestbox of somesort , that had rough edges around the openings, also in each one there was some galvanized wire of some sort. so here is a possible scenerio..
when the gliders rerach puberty, their wanger is out regularly, when entering and leaving the nest box numerous times at night, they have a tendancy to rub it on the rough opening, then they get out and mark/urinate on the galvanized wire. Since the galvanized wire causes a chemical reaction , could it be possible that the reaction on the "possibly" irrated area, may cause some irratation? Since the glider only knows it is irrated, they try to rid the irratation by chewing? This would only apply to the males. Now, I know many people have used both , nestboxes and galvanized wire and had no problems, so that also must be taken into consideration. but this is the main thing we all have seen as a common thing with these gliders. Any opinions on this scenerio? Mind you we are not locked into this, this is just a theory.

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