You know your a glider-neck when your husband has been on the computer for hours and you want to get on glider gossip so you resort to a language he now understands to get your way "tst tst tst" not getting a response you work yourself up to "crabbing" and he finally gets the point and gives up the computer. hehehe
You tell your boyfriend that he is so gross for burping so loud after a beer... while you're picking glider poop off your shoulder and flinging it into the trash...
You tell your kids that thing popping up and down on your chest is an alien about to bust out of your innards so they will run away and you can have the suggie all to yourself...
You know your a glider-neck when you swear a paper cut justifies calling 911 and a trip to the ER but yet a glider nearly biting your finger off is no big deal "just a flesh wound mate" and amazingly we go back for more!
when you don't have anything of importance to say and theres not many people around but you stay on the computer watching the site for hours anyway. Waiting for someone to show up and post something so you can reply to it. lol