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Secure your sugar glider water bottles

Sep 11, 2009

 Secure your sugar glider water bottles

Sugar gliders can be very active animals inside of their cages. In fact, they very often leap from side to side in the course of normal movement. They also tend to play with things where possible and a water bottle is a very good target for attention and general mishap. Many people report that their water bottle was found on the floor the next morning leaving the sugar gliders without water for unknown period of time.

For this reason most folks recommend having at least two water bottles on the cage. If one disappears, there is the back up. It also allows you to worry less often about water. If one of the bottles gets empty, the other will hold.

Most water bottles come with a very flimsy metal band with hooks on the end to hook the bottle to the cage. Sugar gliders can very easily dislodge these thusly ejecting their water supply. I have had the idea of using solid core pvc coated copper wire in place of these straps for some time but a recent forum post got me going and I finally did it.

First, cut a foot of the solid core wire. I happened to have a spool of 14 guage white wire on hand. You can also use that standard 120V three wire cable that is usually in the walls of your house, and just snip out one of the wires.

Then bend just over an inch on one end to hook over the cage wire.

Wrap it around until it is secure and try to dull any pointy remnants to avoid possible injury.

With the bottle in place, fenagle the wire around it for a loose fit for easy removal, then begin bending the other end.

Trim that end down to about one inch and wrap it around.

And then you have a nice and safe wire holder for your water bottle and it is easy to slide them out for servicing.


Sep 14 2009 : 11:35:49 AM
That's a really good idea, and they turned out well. I did something simillar, only with the aluminum t-post fence clips. If you've ever done fencing then you know what I'm talking about. I had to first straighten the clip out but they're pretty easy to mold into whatever shape you want. I did have a problem though with it ALMOST not being long enough and if the water bottle had been any larger then it wouldn't have worked so I like your idea better! I'll have to keep that in mind if I get a bigger bottle later on.

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