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kazko's Journal
Visit with Rita

May 31, 2009

 Visit with Rita

We visited the St Louis Zoo this afternoon and then met Rita at Childrens Hospital to see her new grand children .

We had dinner with Rita and Christie at Uno's Chicago Grill which I had previously known as Pizzaria Uno's. Their Chicago style pizza is superb and their peanut butter cup desert rocks my world!

Click here to view my photos from this day.


Jun 05 2009 : 07:06:37 PM
Oh, and I just tried killing your bug avatar with my finger thinking it was a gnat or something. lol.

Jun 05 2009 : 07:04:31 PM
Ah, I love peanut butter cups and Pizzaria Uno's is the best! Now I'm hungry for something good! I love the photos and I'm glad you guys had a nice time! :)

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Gender: Male
Occupation:computer geek
Member since: Jan 24, 1997
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NUTHOUSE (3) Pican 4/30/2002, died 6/02/2010 Buddy 5/01/2006 Hazel 2/01/2007, rehomed 11/28/2011 Maya 4/25/2007 Pili 4/25/2007 MISFITS (3) Big Guy 9/23/2003, died 1/29/2014 Lil Guy 9/23/2003, died 5/13/2015 Hunter 4/19/2006, died 3/23/2014 JP 8/12/2006 Shikoni 2004 Kioko 2003 Washi 2003, died 5/27/2014 SUGARSHACK (3) Chico 1/15/2006, died 9/14/2011 Cookie 10/15/2005 Kimmie 10/15/2005 Lucky 5/25/2007 Spritz 8/24/2007, died 7/06/2011 Ginger 8/24/2007, died 12/16/2012 Rock 9/09/2007, died 3/23/2013 Crystal 9/09/2007, died 11/01/2012


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