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18" Exercise Wheel

Jan 4, 2010

 18" Exercise Wheel

I threw together a fun 18" exercise wheel tonight for my sugar gliders. I found a decent donor plastic tub, cut off the excess, mounted an inside track using rivets and put the thing onto a hefty ball bearing system.

It's ugly but it is absolutely silent and it works. They love it.

I think I will continue exploring a good and safe design for this concept and I'll try to get some really good slow-mo videos in tent as well.


Oct 20 2011 : 02:10:49 PM
Please? Give us some more details. Did you tweak the design? Are you ready to share your how-to?

Jan 14 2010 : 01:58:05 PM
I'm wondering how you made that. I am in Canada and it is almost impossible to get wodent/stealth wheels here, and I would love to know how to make a wheel like that for them.

Jan 05 2010 : 04:50:21 AM
Oh you, and all your brilliance.

Jan 04 2010 : 08:35:25 PM
that is soo cool i really wish i could afford a dif. wheel that what came with my suggie i really dont like cleaning it at all! great idea and the video is soo cute

Jan 04 2010 : 05:45:52 PM
That is awesomely large! What does the back side of it look like? How did you attach the ball bearing? Spill!

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