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Wodent Wheel homebrew trim track nail trimmer

Jan 2, 2010

 Wodent Wheel homebrew trim track nail trimmer

I highly recommend using Wodent Wheels for your sugar gliders, especially ones with nail trimmer tracks.

I finally got my new sand paper roll in the mail today which allowed me to begin redoing some worn out exercise wheels. The sand paper I had previously tried was 2" wide and had a fabric backing to it. Through this first iteration I have learned to not use a fabric backed abrasive in a glider cage as the fabric will string off and get caught on anything which could turn into a dangerous situation for the animals, so dont do it. Here's what I mean:

The new sandpaper is a 2-3/4" longboard roll with a paper backing and a pressure sensitive adhesive to help it stick. I got mine on Ebay. I did some reading and chose the DURA-GOLD brand, but there are others that may work fine including 3M. What you want is a 320 grit 2-3/4" roll so that you can custom cut the length you need. You can get these on Amazon as well.

So all you do is lay out your open Wodent Wheel, load in the sandpaper, load in the inner track and close it all up.

The example above is using an inner track cut out of 1/4" diamond pattern gutter guard from the hardware store. The example below is using a squared 1/4" mesh inner track. I am curious to see if there is any preference or modified results between the squared or diamond tracks.

The inner track and sandpaper need to be about 33" long. You do not need to do any sewing or fastening of any kind, you just use the inner track to hold the paper in place. The inner track is connected and held in place with a single small piece of an FRP panel trim which can be found online at AMAZON or at any Home Depot .

The plastic hardware net can be found on AMAZON as well.

If you keep it clean and replace your nail trimmer a few times a year as needed, your Wodent Wheel should last you a very long time.

Here's my blind boy rescue Hunter running on the refreshed wheel.


Feb 01 2012 : 09:41:22 PM
great idea this is a lesson learned and you can keep the sandpaper in full time?

Oct 06 2011 : 04:39:16 PM
Thanks so much, this is a great tutorial. It's made a world of difference to have gliders without needles on their feet!

Jul 04 2011 : 09:22:54 PM
I'm doing this, just ordered my sand paper on eBay! Yay.

Mar 12 2011 : 09:35:28 PM
aww he's really cute!! how old is he?

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