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kazko's Journal
Longwood Gardens

May 24, 2009

 Longwood Gardens

We got lucky enough to time our visit perfectly so that we were in Phili to see the rare Fireworks and Fountains show at Longwood Gardens . The property itself is amazing as it has endless walks with amazing flowers, plants, shrubs, trees and other neat things to see. It also has endless numbers of large green houses connected together with all sorts of amazing things on display.

Outside and around there are many fountains of varying sizes and the focus of the visit was the evening's show of Fountains and Fireworks which was delayed by an hour due to an imminent threat of stormy weather, but they finally let it start around 10:15pm, and before the introduction was finished, it started raining. We were prepared and had large umbrellas and were able to sit right there on the lawn enjoying the show while most everyone else scattered. Towards the end of the show the storm increased and got wild with lightning and thunder and sideways rain and we just sat there and watched the finale and the amazingly well sequenced fountains, lights, fireworks and lightening.

I will remember this experience for a long time and now I wish I had gotten some video of the craziness to share with you all.

Click here to see photos from this day.


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