Glider Gossip Archives 1997 - 2000
Info - Brandy Jean Ashmore 17:24:57 3/31/98
- Re: Info - Brandy Jean 21:51:26 4/25/98
- Re: Info - Brandy Jean 21:50:45 4/25/98
Ears - Kim 21:40:26 3/30/98
Leashes - kim 21:37:05 3/30/98
Cage questions - Kevin 13:43:39 3/30/98
legality - Sherry 12:44:15 3/30/98
Also looking for breeder in MA - Stephanie 19:35:37 3/29/98
Leave an email address in your message - Larry Hardy 18:14:24 3/29/98
Breeders in MA? - Pam 16:29:34 3/29/98
New glider...need help - Jay 12:52:04 3/29/98
Bonding with two - Inga 09:17:04 3/28/98
Sleeping habits - Stephanie 09:13:33 3/28/98
Sleeping habits - Stephanie 09:12:37 3/28/98
2nd glider - Heidi 00:11:45 3/28/98
New glider owner - Sherry 21:30:01 3/27/98
why no barking??? - April 08:00:18 3/27/98
Dramatic sleep habit change - Jaded 11:44:32 3/26/98
2 females for breeding only sell by 3/29/98! - kidsRspecial 17:40:45 3/25/98
Help - Jessica 08:27:07 3/25/98
Need to sell my baby - sherie 22:07:00 3/24/98
Need to sell my baby - sherie 22:06:51 3/24/98
HELP!!! New Gliders Bite Hard!!! Not Tame!! - Stephanie 20:23:37 3/23/98
HELP!! New Sugar Gliders bite hard!!! - Stephanie 20:14:49 3/23/98
Glider accessories - Laura 19:36:39 3/23/98
Introducing new glider - T.J. 16:40:48 3/23/98
Vets who neuter in PA? - Kim Saltarelli 23:26:42 3/22/98
WANTED: 2 Female SugarGliders - Kevin 12:41:28 3/22/98
Vets who Neuter - Kim Saltarelli 23:45:43 3/21/98
Gilder Breeders in MO. - Kyle 08:38:23 3/20/98
MEALWORMS?? - Ariana 15:22:39 3/18/98
Plans for building a plexi-glass cage - Kevin Anderson 11:54:16 3/17/98
Plans for building a plexi-glass cage - Kevin Anderson 11:54:00 3/17/98
tips on SG proofing a room/house - Jaded 11:12:12 3/15/98
"Crying" baby glider - Nancy 16:16:12 3/14/98
Shipping gliders - monroe 21:39:11 3/13/98
new glider and the cold - April 07:25:31 3/13/98
Introducing new glider - Barbara 18:11:44 3/12/98
a great place to buy pouches - monroe 18:20:09 3/11/98
DESPERATE!!! - sheryl 17:32:57 3/11/98
Custom cages - Pat Todd 15:35:49 3/11/98
Baby gliders for sale - Pat Todd 14:49:52 3/11/98
Baby gliders for sale - Pat Todd 14:49:14 3/11/98
Searching for another female sugarglider - Jay 02:36:33 3/11/98
Calcium supplements (!) - Ariana 09:30:06 3/10/98
clipping gliders nails - maria 20:44:21 3/09/98
Glider Compatibility - kyle 15:23:10 3/09/98
sugar gliders & flying squirrels? - Raven 12:37:48 3/09/98
sugar gliders & flying squirrels? - Raven 12:36:59 3/09/98
Flying Squirrels - Marcie 15:56:47 3/08/98
JESSICA BRUEN - crusin 22:26:37 3/07/98
WAY TO GO!!! - monroe 21:13:14 3/07/98
NOT IMPRESSED - Crazyfoot 21:06:14 3/07/98
I want a sugar glider - Crazyfoot 19:53:08 3/05/98
is this normal??? - jaded 00:34:13 3/04/98
need wood fast, what are my options - Jaded 15:34:02 3/01/98
1st Day, What to do? - Jaded 01:04:59 2/28/98
LEGAL OR NOT? - Lynnie 21:09:44 2/25/98
Introducing New SG to Other SG's - Lynnie 20:42:04 2/25/98
WHICH VITAMIN? - Lynnie 20:29:32 2/25/98
Questions..needing answers! - Ariana 09:28:34 2/25/98
eating habits??? - Ariana 09:01:51 2/24/98
Length of Bonding - David 21:58:19 2/22/98
CONSIDERING A GLIDER ? - SHA NA NA 12:19:12 2/21/98
Neutered young Sugar Glider For Sale - Sherry 22:32:32 2/20/98
Above - Kristin 17:30:04 2/20/98
SUGAR GLIDER OR FLYING SQUIREL? - Kristin 17:27:46 2/20/98
The MarsupialCam! - Bil Simser 08:48:26 2/20/98
if you were a Sugarglider would you like to eat???? - Johnnie Sansone 19:37:08 2/19/98
sugarglider - Tammy Maxson 17:48:54 2/17/98
Sugar Glider for Sale - Tobi 07:53:02 2/17/98
A Death in the Family - Bil Simser 05:06:29 2/16/98
Sudden death in sugar gliders - Lizzie and Susan Thomas 17:37:05 2/13/98
Check out new SG site - Larry Hardy 13:16:23 2/10/98
Breeders In or Near Upstate New York? - Aaron 19:32:36 2/09/98
Breeders In or Near Upstate New York? - Aaron 19:32:21 2/09/98
Legal in New York State? - Aaron Schnur 19:10:59 2/09/98
potty & eating habits - Auraya 02:36:04 2/08/98
legal in PA? - Pa resident 21:47:43 2/06/98
Cats and sugar gliders? - Liz 10:27:04 2/06/98
I am a Sugar Glider - Mia 15:01:27 2/05/98
Calming down with cheese - Ann Harrison 13:21:45 2/05/98
Neutering - Ann Harrison 13:12:30 2/05/98
Neutering - Ann Harrison 13:12:12 2/05/98
Stinky Smell - Lynette Fisk 23:19:02 2/02/98
Hair loss - John 07:23:37 2/02/98
What age is a glider fully grown? - SkyPhil3 20:24:15 2/01/98
traveling with a glider - Michaela 19:00:35 2/01/98
My sg gives me a rash on my hands. - Jessica Lindsay 15:53:38 2/01/98
Sleeping Habits & a few other questions - Sherie 22:17:42 1/31/98
Rochester, New York - Anita Cornell 10:19:55 1/31/98
Rochester, New York - Anita Cornell 10:19:40 1/31/98
Bed-Wetting - Matt 23:34:51 1/29/98
Info. on CA? HELP HELP HELP!!! - Katterina 18:36:40 1/28/98
illegal in Calfornia? - Katterina 18:25:26 1/28/98
illegal in Calfornia? - Katterina 18:23:20 1/28/98
gliders & ferrets - Danya 09:12:05 1/28/98
Blackberries - T.J. 08:30:15 1/28/98
DESPERATELY NEED A F/S.G.or pair AND INFO ON BREEDERS - Ryan 21:29:03 1/27/98
Do they make messes out of thier cages - Matt 21:13:44 1/27/98
When do they Glide????????? - Jessica 14:53:01 1/27/98
Sharhonda - Danya Sammons 09:44:07 1/27/98
PLEASE HELP OUT: - Terry 23:52:55 1/26/98
Kansas City Breeder - craig lukens 22:23:10 1/26/98
breeder in kansas city area - craig lukens 22:15:14 1/26/98
My Baby Girl MeeMoe bites! Ouch! - Phil Schlotterer 01:54:20 1/26/98
Breeders in Ny?& custome Cages - Joseph 00:29:23 1/26/98
Curious Glider - Dawn 20:35:57 1/25/98
many questions - Karen 16:41:25 1/25/98
Most nutritional diet - kidsRspecial 20:15:56 1/24/98
Glider Schedule change - Pablo 11:39:10 1/23/98
Not very nocturnal - Bil 04:50:12 1/23/98
Looking for Pen-Pal - crusin 15:19:58 1/22/98
hanging beds - monroe 11:46:23 1/22/98
Terry's new entry in "Glider Log" - Thresa 11:30:24 1/20/98
environment temperature - Thresa 11:09:49 1/20/98
South Bend...area Breeders??? - Trish 09:46:28 1/20/98
Atlanta, GA area breeders??? - Victor Wilson 23:02:12 1/18/98
to audrey - larry marciano 14:29:26 1/18/98
vicious glider - Jo 19:14:25 1/17/98
boo-hoo - Larry MArciano 17:06:28 1/14/98
Are they illegal to sell in Maryland? - Mr. WantAGlider 12:51:25 1/14/98
Custom Glider Pouches for sale!!! - B.J. 03:30:08 1/14/98
Mealworms! Does anyone feed them to their gliders? - Audrey 21:57:23 1/13/98
NEAT! - Larry Marciano 19:52:24 1/13/98
Galvanized Cages....Everyone resond! - Jessica 13:50:32 1/13/98
1 or 2 gliders?? - Kristin 16:34:08 1/10/98
Unhappy Baby! - Pam 14:55:49 1/10/98
babies on the way - Thresa 11:23:09 1/10/98
chewing problem - Julie T 02:36:23 1/07/98
Sugar Glider Web Ring!! - Clara 00:19:11 1/07/98
getting new baby/need your input - monroe 22:47:26 1/06/98
PLEASE READ - worried person 17:54:52 1/06/98
Need to sale!! - Sharhonda 15:56:44 1/03/98
Glider Vacation??????? - Shannon 21:47:05 1/02/98
glider license - glider guy 23:58:42 12/29/97
gliders and colds - Julie T 21:59:13 12/29/97
How young is 2 young - Kristin 12:35:16 12/28/97