Glider Gossip Archives 1997 - 2000
sugar gliders vs. flying squrriels - steph 19:53:11 3/31/99
sugar gliders vs. flying squrriels - steph 19:52:41 3/31/99
What are your glider(s)'s nicknames? ( I thought this would be a fun topic :)!) - Flyte 15:52:50 3/31/99
Whoops, almost forgot!<-- ALL SOSG MEMBERS READ!!!! - Flyte 15:43:32 3/31/99
Tonight, Daddy's competence w/ animals shall be tested! *grin* - Flyte 15:39:55 3/31/99
Glider talk tonight??????? - Tim 08:00:11 3/31/99
I would like to let everyone know... - Clara 01:45:45 3/31/99
Some things never change.. - Bourbon 20:52:30 3/30/99
Help me!!!!! - Sarah 20:48:57 3/30/99
re: Betsycc's Cages.. - Bourbon 20:47:26 3/30/99
First aid kits? - Rachel 18:21:48 3/30/99
Does anyone know the address of Elwin Bullard's page--I wanted to see the newly posted pics but can't find the address. Thanks in advance--n/m - Melissa's Onyx 18:17:20 3/30/99
SG FOR SALE - Roy 17:34:10 3/30/99
Hiss-Bark,Hiss-Bark,Hiss-Bark - Daze 14:14:35 3/30/99
test-n/m - TEST 10:34:28 3/30/99
UCONN WINS!!! I know this is off topic but my gliders will reap some of the benefit!! - Tim 22:48:38 3/29/99
How Young is too young? - Matt 20:01:36 3/29/99
help for school project. - ashley 18:38:34 3/29/99
WANTED: Sugar Glider in Ontario or Michigan - Brodie 17:38:06 3/29/99
Safe tree's for sugar gliders - tony 17:02:55 3/29/99
Second Glider???? - Brodie 15:52:13 3/29/99
Any special treatment for our new arrival. - Eileen 12:48:43 3/29/99
My Glider Won't Glide - Elvira 11:55:31 3/29/99
Sorry it took soo long...rescue update - Elwin Bullard 11:52:34 3/29/99
6mo old male for sale in New England - Sarah O'Brien 10:14:39 3/29/99
babies in pouch??? what needs to be done to keep them there - CandiMI 10:08:49 3/29/99
My sugar glider hates me - Darby's mom 09:58:53 3/29/99
My sugar glider hates me - Darby's mom 09:58:23 3/29/99
SOSG - Thomas P. 21:17:48 3/28/99
SOSG - Thomas P. 21:17:32 3/28/99
- Re: SOSG - IrishCreme 07:20:16 3/29/99
baby gliders and their mothers - Laura 20:47:35 3/28/99
baby gliders - Laura 20:46:48 3/28/99
baby glider for sale - kat glasbrenner 19:37:43 3/28/99
Bjs Pouches - Jess 19:05:43 3/28/99
I need everyone who's currently in SOSG to email me! - Flyte 18:06:30 3/28/99
new friends - brent 15:20:30 3/28/99
No glider help needed, riddle help needed, I apologise for doing this here. - Ronda from MT 12:47:02 3/28/99
please help me - derek mickey 00:17:04 3/28/99
UH OH! - Milo 15:57:41 3/27/99
unwanted/abused gliders in/near Michigan that need a second chance and home...Please feel free to contact me - CandiMI 14:07:38 3/27/99
abused glider? - thats ok 10:59:21 3/27/99
Oh, wonderful.. the Moron Squad has returned! n/m - Flyte 10:07:15 3/27/99
come when called - Xay 04:46:27 3/27/99
sugarglider - dewey 28 00:17:13 3/27/99
Question... - Jo 22:24:35 3/26/99
Gliders and New Borns - Jimmy 18:43:21 3/26/99
mealworm containers, long message - Ronda from MT 16:18:42 3/26/99
Health - brent 10:59:29 3/26/99
Food - nimrod 02:16:39 3/26/99
Finally found cages and pouches! - Pennie 22:36:19 3/25/99
Help - madjeeper 13:46:23 3/25/99
Help - madjeeper 13:45:06 3/25/99
Alternative food - Laura 02:33:18 3/25/99
Tame male and cage for sale in NC - John 19:09:54 3/24/99
Nest boxes, HELP!!!! - Rachel 16:09:49 3/24/99
Thanks for bringing the traveling with gliders up! - Donna Pearlman 16:02:01 3/24/99
on the subject of traveling... - Rachel 13:26:37 3/24/99
Glider Proofing Hotel Rooms - Elvira 12:12:33 3/24/99
Travel and Gliders. - Matt 00:04:02 3/24/99
tired of lookin' -- I forgot the answer - Tammy H 20:25:25 3/23/99
Single Female - Eileen 16:26:18 3/23/99
Single Female - Eileen 16:22:30 3/23/99
First time at the vet.What questions to ask? - Donna Pearlman 16:01:48 3/23/99
My new SG are so scared and wild ? Is it normal ? Help please ! - Petr 12:05:20 3/23/99
Wanted Sugar glider - Brent pearsall 02:40:00 3/23/99
Looking for Sugar Glider - Monica 00:12:17 3/23/99
help on school project ? - ashley 19:11:40 3/22/99
different looking gliders - Ronda from MONTANA 17:44:22 3/22/99
Glider Booster - Rachel 16:35:32 3/22/99
Gliderade - Eileen 14:20:37 3/22/99
New mom needs advice - Arianna 11:35:58 3/22/99
I'm giving a speech on gliders in class today. Wish me luck! n/m - Rachel2 10:00:41 3/22/99
Run away glider - Ashjan 09:00:34 3/22/99
Convulsion?hairball>>>>HELP! - Diana 19:58:35 3/21/99
vitamin supplements? - Rachel 19:28:55 3/21/99
I'm picking up my baby boys on Saturday!! - Donna Pearlman 16:31:18 3/21/99
no pork?!?! - CandiMI 15:33:19 3/21/99
Cages??? - Sarah 13:35:05 3/21/99
Glider Scent - Susan 10:08:47 3/21/99
Constipation - Ashjan 23:09:56 3/20/99
BABIES!!! - Collette 22:38:55 3/20/99
anyone have a Leadbeaters recipie they will actually eat??? - CandiMI 17:12:52 3/20/99
Calcium in Leadbeaters - Elvira 15:24:13 3/20/99
a funny mix - James 14:17:07 3/20/99
living with pairs........ - Jo 23:57:17 3/19/99
mazuri omnivore feed - dominic 23:54:51 3/19/99
Glider chat room at aol. - Rachel 22:11:28 3/19/99
Constipation - Ashjan 22:04:32 3/19/99
I haven't been here in awhile... import. ? - Julie Kit 20:27:49 3/19/99
sick glider - Ryan 18:08:27 3/19/99
What is that white stuff?? - Elvira 14:56:27 3/19/99
I Need Help With My Sugar Glider!!!!!!! Please Respond! : ) - Jenna 10:45:31 3/19/99
A DIFFERENT kind of sugar glider message board! - Clara 00:20:48 3/19/99
New Board - Rachel 20:21:48 3/18/99
sick glider - Ryan 18:11:23 3/18/99
Glider clumsiness (tee hee) - Shianne 17:05:49 3/18/99
Cracking ears, paws, and a ??pimple??? - Jess 15:57:35 3/18/99
The crisis is over, let the healing begin... - Elwin Bullard 14:47:28 3/18/99
traveling in airline with gliders - Pablo 11:26:20 3/18/99
Rubbing - Brandi 11:02:09 3/18/99
Hi everyone, some IMPORTANT questions. - Dina 10:15:44 3/18/99
Nectar? - W 09:24:00 3/18/99
Leia! i posted a follow up you might want to see...hope you find chewey. all our hopes r w/ u.! n/m - kris mike and Java)i( 22:36:14 3/17/99
glider freezies! - Sarah 21:54:31 3/17/99
mealworms - Collette 20:00:49 3/17/99
Mars's first outing - Sarah 15:09:43 3/17/99
Diana- Please read! - Flyte 14:57:36 3/17/99
Gliders for sale in New England Area - Scribbles 12:58:45 3/17/99
Male Pair of Gliders for Sale in Scottsboro AL - Gina 12:01:00 3/17/99
Update on rescues.... - Elwin Bullard 08:48:31 3/17/99
watson! i have it! for the suggie dance, they could do the "electric glide" n/m - kris and Java )i( 01:37:41 3/17/99
we're baaaaaaack! susan and shianne and co. this is for you! - kris and Java)i( 23:15:19 3/16/99
Help! Glider with sore eye - nancy 21:53:19 3/16/99
I'm looking for a specific kind of hamster ball - Daze 20:06:05 3/16/99
HELP!! I'm Worried about our little joey - Jim Gina 19:00:05 3/16/99
Mealworms?? - Sarah 17:50:21 3/16/99
What if Glider is pregnat? - Tammy 15:47:59 3/16/99
LOST GLIDER IN DFW PLEASE HELP - Leia 22:49:04 3/15/99
Hamster balls and wodent wheels - Pebbles 18:45:06 3/15/99
Too darn smart... - Elwin Bullard 17:39:48 3/15/99
I love my sugar glider!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! - Glider lover 17:00:06 3/15/99
where do I get calcium - James 16:39:25 3/15/99
does anyone want to breed woth my female? - Alina 14:38:26 3/15/99
Do gliders need two nest boxes?... - Rachel 13:17:56 3/15/99
WANTED: 1-2 GLIDERS IN CALIFORNIA - Paul 12:20:33 3/15/99
What is he doing?? - Sarah 10:48:20 3/15/99
in Alaska looking for gliders - Christina 02:12:01 3/15/99
How soon can you neuter? - Donna 17:49:10 3/14/99
evolvation - Freddilena 15:51:03 3/14/99
HELP!!! just rescued 5 sick gliders - Elwin Bullard 15:46:01 3/14/99
Please, let's not start this again. - Tim 15:00:22 3/14/99
Frozen Fruits & Veggies? - Ayala 14:15:42 3/14/99
Sugar Glider Questions - Freddilena 12:05:40 3/14/99
Cage question - Sherry 20:46:35 3/13/99
Sugargliders in magazines - Tim 18:52:14 3/13/99
My little girl glider is home! - T.J. 17:06:58 3/13/99
looking for a place to get meanworms...let me recommend - CandiMI 13:53:59 3/13/99
Glider for sale in Philidelphia area - Steve 07:14:03 3/13/99
Glider Boards - Tim 22:44:43 3/12/99
FS: Male breeder - Terry 16:51:42 3/12/99
SUGAR GLIDERS - CHRIS HUNT 16:44:35 3/12/99
Cage toys - Rachel 16:42:19 3/12/99
Interested in adopting a sugar glider in Colorado - Nicole Barnhart 15:53:35 3/12/99
Curious phone call... - Elwin Bullard 13:31:52 3/12/99
glider postcards - W 13:21:13 3/12/99
Flyte??? - Diana 03:34:41 3/12/99
Pneumonia thread... - Tiffany 23:29:33 3/11/99
Pet Library - Tiffany 23:21:42 3/11/99
Baby Female Joey FOR SALE in Northern Virginia - Tanya 22:58:07 3/11/99
Tame male and cage for sale. - John 21:18:28 3/11/99
Briskys - Jess 20:21:59 3/11/99
6 month old Angelica stopped eating - Sherry 19:30:04 3/11/99
A good story about some gliders I saw in a pet store!!! - Jess 17:08:35 3/11/99
ThE aPoLoGy - KoRnZ 17:01:39 3/11/99
The pocket idea was a bust. Ideas? - Shianne 16:44:13 3/11/99
YEAH IT"S BACK!!!!!!!!!!!!! n/m - Sarah 14:48:41 3/11/99
7subspecies thread... - Elwin Bullard 14:38:03 3/11/99
A problem child... - Elwin Bullard 14:12:02 3/11/99
So.... - CubaBoy 12:55:20 3/11/99
Bowser wont eat...... - Glider Freak 11:10:51 3/11/99
SUGAR GLIDERS.. - Greg 08:59:01 3/11/99
Gliders in Cali - J 23:10:48 3/10/99
- TERRY 16:23:16 3/05/99
Can someone please explain to me whats going on? - Rachel 16:23:16 3/05/99
Is this Jess's information? - Jane 16:17:51 3/05/99
Possible new owner - Johnny 16:09:21 3/05/99
Apology - Glider H8er 15:51:01 3/05/99
Jessica Marie Bruen is WEIRD - Tucker K. I. C. K. 15:50:47 3/05/99
Sugar Glider Question - Greg G. 15:34:27 3/05/99
Sugar glider - Dan S. 15:26:10 3/05/99
For Kris and Java - Susan 15:10:26 3/05/99
Easy Way to remeber this link - Bourbon 14:57:48 3/05/99
To Bourbon - Elvira 14:23:10 3/05/99
attention bourbon - Crystal 13:45:53 3/05/99
Gliders for sale - Scribbles 10:13:41 3/05/99
Pebbles...did you get my email...and Bourbon..did you? - Cynthia 08:32:07 3/05/99
sugiesong: what about "Spin-Spin Sugar?" it has it all, "crawl on me, twisr for me i'm everyone....." any takers? - kris and Java )i( 02:44:10 3/05/99
sugiedance song - Tiffany 21:39:38 3/04/99
Saw my first glider today.. Thanks Tiffany - Tim 20:34:00 3/04/99
Getting The Big Snip - Melissa's Onyx 19:03:54 3/04/99
Everyone says to play with your glider, but how? - Joe 18:58:10 3/04/99
Listen guys, i am not trying to make u feel bad but i have a lot going on, and i would appreciate if all this stopped, and this includes u too eric, i am sorry this ever started. everyone just stop or i think i am gonna kill myself. nm - Jess 16:54:22 3/04/99
One small q. Who's email is or something similar to that? thanks. :) n.m - Jess and Roo and Bailey 16:33:04 3/04/99
Play biting- OW!!! - Flyte 16:29:03 3/04/99
We love this site but... - Roo and Bailey 15:35:11 3/04/99
I hav questions on the SugaR GlideR - KoRn Glider 14:38:46 3/04/99
Weird stuff!! - Sarah 14:05:20 3/04/99
Where did you guys go? - Rachel2 12:36:27 3/04/99
Slimbudda? - Jo 07:25:41 3/04/99
Dom...... - Jo 07:23:21 3/04/99
Glider for sale - Looking 06:34:30 3/04/99
Hey it's working again!! - Tim 22:37:52 3/03/99
Cute site - Tiffany 20:56:43 3/03/99
Female with inverted pouch? - Heather2 20:35:12 3/03/99
For Bourbon ONLY - Pebbles 21:54:32 3/02/99
Alternative Glider Message Bases. - Bourbon 21:46:09 3/02/99
Just read this, all of you without a glider - please, hear my story 20:13:26 3/02/99
This board - Cindy 18:54:22 3/02/99
Those guys are soooo immature!!! Anyway, I just got a glider. I am a newbie. I need help on how to take care of him. - Glider Dude 17:52:23 3/02/99
Something Lite and Easy - Tammy H 17:40:39 3/02/99
STOP WITH THE STUPID OFF TOPIC POSTS!!! n/m - Sarah 17:02:18 3/02/99
Personal Request to others who are here for info. Can we all please just ignore the garbage postings/posters I'd personally hate to lose this valuable information resource! - CandiMI 16:54:55 3/02/99
I understand... - John Tran 16:27:40 3/02/99
Got the call today. My baby is oop.We have a Boy! :-) - Donna Pearlman 16:17:27 3/02/99
Gliders size and color. - JO 15:34:54 3/02/99
Children... - JO 15:20:43 3/02/99
mghbnv xc - Billy-Bob 15:14:02 3/02/99
Sugar Glider City - KoRn on the Buttered Kob 15:09:55 3/02/99
Sugar Glider?? - KoRn on the Kob 15:06:56 3/02/99
Can someone explain to me what the heck is going on? n/m - Rachel 13:38:10 3/02/99
Tree branches. - Rachel 13:31:02 3/02/99
This Board - Donna Pearlman 13:09:29 3/02/99
(4) there a trick to this? - Libbie 12:25:06 3/02/99
Tuna - Gina 11:48:52 3/02/99
IT IS OBVIOUS - ROX 11:19:01 3/02/99
SG "eaters" are not welcome - Beth 10:26:50 3/02/99
ROACHES (eeew for me, yummy for gliders) - Shianne 07:51:53 3/02/99
Hey guys, can we put all the petty bickering aside and get back to what this board is about FUZZY LIL GLIDERS?!?n/m - Shianne 07:44:46 3/02/99
New to the board, I have read the archives and think you guys should give poor Jess a break, she has gone thru more than any of you. Geeze. Jess, everyone should have their own opinion and everyone should be in for a laugh, its not gonna kill anyone! n/m - Emily 06:32:33 3/02/99
New to the board - Tim 22:42:12 3/01/99
what type of cage to buy? - Mike D 20:55:22 3/01/99
MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM - Greg Wilson 20:29:29 3/01/99
Awwww - Jess and Roo 20:26:44 3/01/99
YUMMY YUM YUM! - The KoRn Dude! AKA Sugar Glider Eater 20:20:41 3/01/99
- uh huh.... - Jess and Roo 20:23:21 3/01/99
- Re: Great, just what this board needs! - Michele 21:55:42 3/01/99
- I am about up to here with this...... - JESS AND ROO 17:43:11 2/27/99
- Sugar Gliders available in NC - Cynthia 16:50:12 2/27/99
- Message for those that are considering a glider as a pet - not for those that have one.. - Chris 15:33:40 2/27/99
- what type of pouch can you carry gliders in besides your pocket? - Donna Pearlman 15:29:43 2/27/99
- protein - Gina 15:22:13 2/27/99
- Baffled..... - Jo 12:35:41 2/27/99
- i would just like to say, thanks - dominic 11:29:16 2/27/99
- my glider does not seem to like her cage and won't play in it? - BbKing 11:19:39 2/27/99
- Won't come out to play - Susan 10:38:29 2/27/99
- An interesting trick! - Flyte 08:46:38 2/27/99
- Anyone know of a glider vet in virginia, preferably in central VA? n/m - Rachel 08:25:34 2/27/99
- Lacking play time - Tammy/Zippiie 08:24:06 2/27/99
- HELP Glider question - lore 23:36:59 2/26/99
- gliders are drinking alot - dominic 20:33:08 2/26/99
- is cutting their nails crule, tell me what you thing? - Jakingson 19:28:20 2/26/99
- my glider has diarrhea, HELP!!! - Aliza 19:20:34 2/26/99
- Glisers nails are getting long and they hurt! please help - james 17:41:26 2/26/99
- Notice: Jess and Roo's current email is either or Please do not email Thank you! n/m - Jess and Rooey 17:30:20 2/26/99
- veggie meat? - Abby 17:18:04 2/26/99
- The baby boy is coming home tomorrow :) :) !!! - Flyte 17:14:47 2/26/99
- Sugar glider purchase contract - Pebbles 16:52:57 2/26/99
- Building cages from Klubertanz catalog - Shunt'e 16:25:13 2/26/99
- names - Ronda 15:55:10 2/26/99
- spring water?? - Sarah 13:44:29 2/26/99
- THANX TO JO, CLARA & K&J for nesting, wodent wheel, down-ears info, BUT Clara... - Christi 12:31:01 2/26/99
- Any one else having trouble accesing this page? n/m - Rachel 10:43:36 2/26/99
- Glider for sale or trade. - Chris 06:06:22 2/26/99
- "cause he's a travelin' glider. he's comin' to your town. he'll help you party down.... - Kris and Java )i( 01:43:32 2/26/99
- tropicana, not concentrate OJ w/calcium? - CandiMI 21:19:16 2/25/99
- Looking for female baby sugar glider - Susan 18:21:41 2/25/99
- GLIDER 4-SaLe - ROB 18:16:46 2/25/99
- New baby pictures... - Elwin Bullard 16:46:26 2/25/99
- Hair fascination - Libbie 12:30:33 2/25/99
- my baby way to young - Crystal 12:21:53 2/25/99
- Needing help!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! - Tigger 10:15:28 2/25/99
- Cage - Bourbon 14:44:43 2/25/99
- Too many mealworms - Gina 23:31:26 2/24/99
- baby glider still in the pouch - Donna Pearlman 22:36:48 2/24/99
- My Little Glider - Christina 20:15:49 2/24/99
- I like this page, I also have a poll for you to take. - Scott 20:08:30 2/24/99
- Yes!!! gliders are the best pets in the world! - James 20:04:08 2/24/99
- Need some advice... - Marie 18:34:00 2/24/99
- OMG!!! It happened again!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Helpppppp, prob with Roo - Jessica and Rooey 17:18:51 2/24/99
- calcium problems - CandiMI 16:25:01 2/24/99
- glider are the best pets ever! - Aliza 16:10:39 2/24/99
- Mealworms - Elvira 14:54:31 2/24/99
- Thank you for all of your responses"Maria, Ronda, Jess&Rooey,Jane" - Crystal 14:10:18 2/24/99
- Re: legality question - Shug's Owner 11:09:29 2/24/99
- My little girls are going to be just fine! - Shianne 08:20:16 2/24/99
- AE Glider is staying home! - Ashjan 23:34:08 2/23/99
- Car Rides...WHEEEE!!! - Jinxet 20:48:01 2/23/99
- This ever happen to you?? - Jinxet 20:39:51 2/23/99
- Will his hair grow back? - Pebbles 18:54:42 2/23/99
- Juice OK?? - Melinda 18:38:24 2/23/99
- Sorry about the double post - computer doing strange things! n/m - Batgrl 17:54:16 2/23/99
- diet -- what are feeding options? - Batgrl 17:51:46 2/23/99
- diet -- food options - Batgrl 17:48:40 2/23/99
- Just for fun! - Aliza 16:47:08 2/23/99
- The cutest thing... - Flyte 15:54:12 2/23/99
- Question about Cat Toys with catnip for Gliders - Tammy H 13:34:14 2/23/99
- American Express to California - Ashjan 11:01:43 2/23/99
- HEY JO-BOURBON-DEB or anyone else who knows - I Gotta question - Christi 09:23:49 2/23/99
- Introduction of baby girls not going well! Help! - Shianne 07:57:47 2/23/99
- found cool new glider toy - Batgrl 01:54:21 2/23/99
- It's twin girls! - Kady 22:58:52 2/22/99
- Help!!!! Sore foot! - Tiffany 22:24:38 2/22/99
- Taking pictures with flash - JohnnyO 21:48:58 2/22/99
- SHE WON'T GLIDE!! - Jess 19:50:58 2/22/99
- daddy - Greg 19:34:45 2/22/99
- How long until introductions? - Flyte 18:18:19 2/22/99
- A WARNING TO THOSE WITH PIANOS - James 17:49:49 2/22/99
- cages for sale - Tammy H 16:49:01 2/22/99
- Speaking of names, any suggestions? - Rachel 16:33:33 2/22/99
- Important message - Chris 16:02:43 2/22/99
- Have a question? - Ben/Kazooy 20:29:57 2/19/99
- Putting up the cage - Aliza 20:12:21 2/19/99
- Bringing home my glider? - James 15:58:48 2/19/99
- Is something wrong with my SG? - Greg 15:57:50 2/19/99
- Day old babies, what to do? - Heather 2 14:43:01 2/19/99
- glider loves coffee -- will this hurt her? - Batgrl (Vija) 14:11:23 2/19/99
- Gizmo wont come out to play. - Shianne 08:03:38 2/19/99
- Thanks Everyone!!!!!! You've been "GREAT" - Tammy/Zippie 00:03:53 2/19/99
- switching cages... - Kris and Java )i( 23:49:15 2/18/99
- Seeking: Female(adult) Sugar Glider - Tammy/Zippie 23:21:15 2/18/99
- Nitrates in water - Tammy 23:09:19 2/18/99
- How Do I Ship A Glider? - Lynnie 22:55:15 2/18/99
- cuddly glider - Tammy/Zippie 22:35:02 2/18/99
- Breeder Pair for Sale - Lynnie 19:55:31 2/18/99
- Thanks, Clara - from: Lynnie - lynnie 19:46:13 2/18/99
- feeding crickets - Donna Pearlman 19:33:27 2/18/99
- Missing baby - Gina 14:06:07 2/18/99
- Sleeping habits - Teresa 12:21:47 2/18/99
- Male SG For Sale. - Lynda 11:32:58 2/18/99
- names - Chris Stockman 10:04:51 2/18/99
- names - Chris Stockman 10:04:39 2/18/99
- Gliders and cage for sale - Sharon 09:03:06 2/18/99
- I Have Two Cages For Sale - Tammy H 08:56:58 2/18/99
- Breeding con't... - Jo 08:48:29 2/18/99
- Aliza keeps using my name, - James 08:08:48 2/18/99
- TERESA>>>PLEASE READ - cindy 07:53:31 2/18/99
- Becca, read this - James 07:42:14 2/18/99
- Barking - Mike 07:37:30 2/18/99
- THINK ABOUT THIS! - Kris and Java )i( 05:58:49 2/18/99
- speaking of facehuggers........ - Kris and Java )i( 05:37:19 2/18/99
- Java)i( finally ate a cricket! let us pray......... - Kris and Java )i( 05:28:08 2/18/99
- i need help finding cage plans - meagan 01:15:09 2/18/99
- Now, here is some scarey food facts !! - Bourbon 23:10:56 2/17/99
- Meal worms - Tammy 22:48:32 2/17/99
- papaya seeds? - TLC 22:38:43 2/17/99
- Purring... - Tammy 22:35:04 2/17/99
- New strategy - TLC 22:13:37 2/17/99
- Cage Wiring? - Lynnie 22:11:00 2/17/99
- Baby Gliders for SALE! - Lynnie 22:05:35 2/17/99
- CAGE??? - JO 21:25:19 2/17/99
- good cage??? - James 21:20:15 2/17/99
- Gliders in the wild. - JO 20:50:15 2/17/99
- New Baby - Gina 20:04:45 2/17/99
- cheese and socks?? - Sarah 18:55:36 2/17/99
- help, glider not eating well - Ayala 18:40:16 2/17/99
- need advice on introducing F to M glider - Vija 17:47:55 2/17/99
- When out and about... - Teresa 17:40:53 2/17/99
- PLEASE HELP, HAVE A REALLY BIG PROBLEM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! - James 17:22:03 2/17/99
- Calcium - Teresa 16:33:57 2/17/99
- opps - teresa 16:35:23 2/17/99
- EGGS - ... 16:29:31 2/17/99
- Calcium - Teresa 16:07:09 2/17/99
- Reptocal vs. Rep-cal - tammy 16:00:37 2/17/99
- bonding&food - stevecoco 14:02:49 2/17/99
- Caging 2 pair, gold & metal, Can't find Debbie's book, what is selenium... - Christi 09:45:33 2/17/99
- Health Question - Tammy H 07:32:04 2/17/99
- Breeding insight... - Jo 07:05:57 2/17/99
- Good site. How much do you give for your repcal? - Slade 02:50:13 2/17/99
- Irish Creme: thank you.... - Kris and Java )i( 00:56:17 2/17/99
- bird pellets? - Ayala 21:33:37 2/16/99
- cool site - Jmaes 20:20:57 2/16/99
- How often are your glider's nails clipped? - Cat Lady 19:38:04 2/16/99
- glider luvin - dominic 18:24:37 2/16/99
- GLIDER CHAT ROOM?? - TAMMY 17:30:31 2/16/99
- sugargliders - john 16:41:47 2/16/99
- GLIDER DIET - TAMMY 16:15:52 2/16/99
- adoption - Erin 15:51:41 2/16/99
- What is more important : play or bonding time? - Lisa 15:22:55 2/16/99
- BONDING - jeanMN 14:40:34 2/16/99
- New noise - Teresa 14:31:58 2/16/99
- New noise - Teresa 14:31:38 2/16/99
- Curious? - ROX 14:28:52 2/16/99
- ATTN: Bourbon - Rachel2 13:23:30 2/16/99
- Message for Richard in Kingston - Sharon 13:08:54 2/16/99
- I am Looking for a young female glider in the MO area. - T.J. 12:22:32 2/16/99
- weining - mcbielak 12:00:29 2/16/99
- More on BUgs (attn Bourbn) - Ashjan 11:12:47 2/16/99
- Bugs and Advocados - Elvira (formerly Kim2) 09:48:47 2/16/99
- Irish Creme: you mentioned correction...... - Kris and Java )i( 07:34:15 2/16/99
- What does n/m mean? - Sarah 05:58:45 2/16/99
- What does n/m mean? - Sarah 05:57:35 2/16/99
- what does n/m mean? - Sarah 05:55:48 2/16/99
- Picking them,Cages,Nests,Bedding, Feeding???? What do you do ?? - Shy_shunte 03:22:31 2/16/99
- Re: Picking them,Cages,Nests,Bedding, Feeding???? What do you do ?? - Kady 20:20:34 2/16/99
- Re: Picking them,Cages,Nests,Bedding, Feeding???? What do you do ?? - Kady 20:19:12 2/16/99
- Re: Picking them,Cages,Nests,Bedding, Feeding???? What do you do ?? - Christi 08:43:20 2/16/99
- Picking them,Cages,Nests,Bedding, Feeding???? What do you do ?? - Shy_shunte 03:21:53 2/16/99
- Same names end confussion idea maybe - General 23:06:54 2/15/99
- New glider owner - Chris Stockman 23:00:01 2/15/99
- New glider owner - Chris Stockman 22:59:50 2/15/99
- Sugar Glider - Lorrie Smith 21:04:06 2/15/99
- Glider Leashes. - Rachel 17:50:02 2/15/99
- Welcome Rachel2 from Rachel1, =) n/m - Rachel 17:43:31 2/15/99
- Anyone know how to get a cage coated after it is built? - Shianne 16:22:39 2/15/99
- Another Rachel - Rachel2 12:20:40 2/15/99
- Appetite (Attn. Bourban) - Ashjan 11:45:12 2/15/99
- Plastic nest boxes - Gina 08:43:09 2/15/99
- re: trimming the little nails.......or a glider "pet"icure... - kris and Java)i( 01:21:15 2/15/99
- Protective mother PLEASE READ! - Kady 00:22:57 2/15/99
- ROX: lost your address! - kris and Java )i( 00:02:49 2/15/99
- New owner of Sugar Glider - Tammy 21:22:06 2/14/99
- New owner of Sugar Glider(Zippie) - Tammy 21:03:12 2/14/99
- how much does it cost? - Julie and Kit 20:27:27 2/14/99
- Salt?? - Melinda 20:18:42 2/14/99
- Re: Salt?? - kris and Java )i( 00:09:09 2/15/99
- Mars's ears r getting dry?? - Sarah 18:24:09 2/14/99
- Thanks everyone! - Mike 16:34:09 2/14/99
- Thanks everyone! - Mike 16:32:53 2/14/99
- Two Kims - FYI - Kim2 16:04:10 2/14/99
- Introducing new female (help) - David Doyle 15:53:42 2/14/99
- A bad scare - Flyte 15:14:55 2/14/99
- I am a grandmaw finally! - Kady 13:34:13 2/14/99
- 10 day oop glider.... - ellie 13:13:05 2/14/99
- Leadbetter's Recipe - Kim 12:36:36 2/14/99
- Diet Info - Deb 11:25:36 2/14/99
- My Introduction - Deb 11:09:42 2/14/99
- DIET INFO!! PLEASE READ!! - Bourbon 04:46:45 2/14/99
- Too cut or not to cut? - Sarah 22:24:42 2/13/99
- Re: Sugar Glider that bears only 1 joey at a time - Amanda 19:10:23 2/13/99
- HELP... - jackie 18:35:23 2/13/99